Episode 8: Brothers agreement

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Last time we left off when Hop wanted to defeat the giant Jyamato but his brother wouldn't let him

Hop: But... It's to save the city!

Leon: Look, I know you're trying to be heroic and all but that thing is too big for you to stop it

Hop: There's already a way to defeat it! So let me!

Leon: I won't let you, seeing your corpse after this is much worse than seeing the city's in ruined

Hop: But...

Leon: No buts, you need to leave out of whatever you're working for, I'm very worried about you and the outcome

Hop: I won't leave! I will keep playing the game

Leon: Game? What kind of game is this?!

Hop: I know it's hard to explain to you, I really need to finish the game

Leon: Then what do you get after finishing the game?

Hop: I don't think I'm allowed to talk about it

Leon: Hop! Tell me what is this game!

Hop: It's uhm...

Leon: Tell me, what is it?

Hop: I... You should stay out of this!

He then ran away from his brother

Leon: Hop!

He then followed where he's going


<<The Opening>>

Episode 8: Brothers agreement

Back to the three

Victor went to his tower to destroy it to defeat the giant Jyamato

He pushed the Deadly Pump on the Zombie Breaker

Poison Charge!

He let go of it that went down then press the trigger

Tactical Break!

Victor charges the Zombie Breaker in purple poison energy, and does a multitude of slashes to the tower

The tower was destroyed by the finisher and now left with three more

Victor: One down, three more to go

At Bede

As soon he was about to get close to the tower, the Seven-Branched Sword was swing down and blocking his path to the pedestal

Bede: Oh so you want to act tough huh

Bede then press the monster head to activate his finisher

Monster! Tactical Strike

His fist was charged by stars as it starts to grow it size

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