Episode 9: Concentration game

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"The Jyamatos has leaked out of the game and enter the real world, the Desire Grand Prix decided to send us to fight the Jyamatos as Kamen riders, any witness of the event will have their memories erased to prevent public panicking about the existence of Jyamatos who's destroying the place and probably the earth, I don't know how much damage they can cause but I think it's a lot if there's enough of them or a bigger specimen. It is the day 6 of Desire Grand Prix, just one more day before our ideal wishes to be granted. However, there's only four of us and if we're the last team that made it to the last... Then one of us needs to be eliminated or be removed since there's only can be three players who can have their wishes granted, so I'll see what they'll do to tackle this problem. Who knows who'll be the one being eliminated, it could be Bede, Hop, Gloria, even myself isn't safe. Only the future knows what will happen for now,"

Victor was done typing his diary and put his phone away. He's still in bed when he typed his diary

Victor: Now... Tell me, why did you three decided to sleep on the same bed

It zoomed out to show the other three are sleeping in the same bed as him


<<The Opening>>

Episode 9: Concentration game

Gloria just woken up by Victor's complaints earlier

Gloria: What did you find frustrating this time...

Victor: First it was you, then Hop, next is Bede. Why did you all decided to sleep on the same bed!?

Gloria: Aren't we one team? Of course we would share a bed

Victor: Would rather not sleeping with people who I won't see after the game is over

Hop then woke up from his complaints before yawning

Hop: Wha-what's going on?

He accidentally kicks Bede's head who's sleeping on the bottom side of the bed that woken him up

Bede: That hurts you know!?

Hop: Wha-why were you sleeping here!?

Bede: The couch was too uncomfortable to sleep in so I decided to sleep here

Victor: Really? That's your reason?

Bede: What reason do I have to say to make it convincing?

Hop: C-can we not argue, please? It's the morning

Gloria: He's right, no need for that morning rage

Bede: Hmph, just so you wait till I get my wish granted

Victor: Let's see who can get there

Then it timeskip to them eating their breakfast rations they were delivered

Hop, Victor and Gloria were done with eating theirs while Bede is still eating his

Gloria is seen drinking soda while watching some stuff on her phone which Bede is across from her

Bede: Gloria, I have a question

Gloria: What is it?

Bede: After examining your behaviour, do you have a crush on Victor?

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