Episode 10: Game's finished?

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The Game Master is seen looking at many of the players on multiple screens in front of it

Game Master: The people in this world is very interesting, and the creatures that roam this version of earth, they're quite... Different than what I usually see in my world normally

Then it changes the screen to show Bede, Victor, Hop, and Gloria

Game Master: And these people... They're like the people I used to play with, they're like them but in a different world... I'm very intrigued. That's why I choose them to be Kamen Riders

Then the screen changes to show it's Tsumuri

Game Master: What's the matter, Tsumuri?

Tsumuri: Are you sure about the player's ridiculous wish? If he did succee-

Game Master: I know, you have to remember that I intentionally travelled into this world out of curiosity

Tsumuri: Does that means you're gonna intervene like that past Game Master?

Game Master: Not necessarily need to do that, because he already have fans supporting him so they can do that

Tsumuri: Whatever, just don't intervene and make it unfair for other players who wants their wish to be granted

Game Master: I won't unless it's necessary, he'll only get outside help if he made it to the last game


<<The Opening>>

Episode 10: Game's finished?

The Jyamatos appeared in Hulbury in the city attacking civilians

Hop and Bede arrived to stop the Jyamatos then took out their Raise Buckle to insert into their Drivers


Hop/Bede: Henshin!

Bede press on the monster head to activate his transformation while Hop pulled the handle

Monster! Ready, fight!
Ninja! Ready, fight!

Both ran towards the Jyamatos while transforming into their rider forms

Bede pins one of the Jyamatos on the ground and starts punching it

Hop is slashing the Jyamatos with the Ninja Dueler Single Blade

He got one down and spun the Shuriken Rounder

Round one!

Then he swings the Ninja Dueler that unleashed a green energy slash at the Jyamato

Tactical Slash!

The green energy slash hit the Jyamato and it rolled over by the slash

The card on the Jyamato appeared and it showed to be a Spade before it was covered by the cards and stood up unharmed

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