Episode 6: Final Beatdown

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Flashback to day 2 of the Desire Grand Prix 2, in the forest, there were two players looking for boxes since it's still the treasure hunt game during day 2

One of the players was Bede and he's walking in the forest with his best friend who coincidentally joined the Desire Grand Prix 2

Bede: Do you think that we can make it to the last day of Desire Grand Prix?

???: I believe we can make it, we just need only to survive

Bede: Of course we can with that thing you got from the boxes

???: Yeah

His friend took out the Monster Raise Buckle and show it to him

???: With this, we have a high possibility to survive much longer till the last

Bede: By the way, what wish did you write on your card?

???: My wish that I wrote was to bring back my mother

Bede: Why'd you picked that?

???: I hadn't spend time with my mom and unfortunately she passed away, and so I thought if I win this, I could spend more time with her

Bede: That's a great wish

???: Thanks, she means a lot to me, I really do miss her

Bede: If we wanted to win, then let's find the boxes to get out wish to be granted

???: I agree

As they continue to walk in the forest, his friend see a box on the ground and his friend goes to the box

His friend picked it up and open the box to see something unexpected

The friend sees it's a bomb in the box he just picked up and it starts ticking as a countdown for it's explosion

Bede: Hey, what did you find?

His friend turns around and throws his Raise Buckle at him and he caught it

???: Run!

Bede: Run? Is this one of your pranks?

???: Bede run! It's a bomb!

Bede: A what-

Before he could finish, the bomb in the box has detonated and exploded in his friend's hand

The explosion sent him back and he laid on the ground after the explosion. His ears were ringing and vision is blurry

Bede: Hey! Are you okay!?

He asked his friend if he's okay but no answers

With his blurry vision he couldn't make out anything in front of him, but what he could make out was someone behind it

The person who detonated the explosion came to the area where his friend once was

The description he could make out that the mask they're wearing is purple and there's horns on it's head

Bede: Who are you!? Did you do this!?

The person didn't answer his questions but walked away from him. Bede looked back at his friend where he was alive before he died

Bede: No... It can't be...


<<The Opening>>

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