Episode 11: Driver seek

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It is now morning outside. Many bird pokemon chirp as the sun rises. The sun shines to a small town in Postwick

Many people gotten out of their homes when it's the morning hours to do some chores and some do works

The Pokémon were woken up by the sun's presence to start their days off. And on one of the house, incomes where the start of the day 7

Inside the home and in goes to the one of the bedrooms where it shows Gloria sleeping on her bed with her pajamas

Till then, she woken up frantically from a dream

She looks around to see her in her bedroom and starts getting her senses back

Gloria: So the Desire Grand Prix was just a dream!?

She lays back down to her bed after acknowledging the concept of getting your wish granted was just a dream

Gloria: So it was just a dream...

Then, she heard a voice outside of her room calling her out

???: Gloria! Come to the living room!

Gloria: Yes mom, I'll be there in a sec

It was her mother who called her. She was about to get off from bed to go to her mother but sees something on her bedside table

She sees a phone but not an ordinary one, it's her phone she used when she was in the Desire Grand Prix

Gloria: That phone...

She goes to the bedside table and took the phone

Gloria: If the Desire Grand Prix was just a dream... Then why is this here...?


<<The Opening>>

Episode 11: Driver seek

She comes out of her room and goes to the living room

Gloria: What is it, mom?

???: Gloria, I'll be leaving the house for a while, so you'll be alone in the house for a long time

Gloria: Okay!

Her mother was about to leave the house before Gloria asked her something

Gloria: Mom, before you leave, I want to ask something

???: What is it, dear?

Gloria: Do you know where Hop lives?

???: You mean that weird kid who's the younger brother of the champion?

Gloria: Yeah, him. Do you know, right?

???: I thought you knew already?

Gloria: What do you mean? I've never met him before in this town?

???: Aren't you two childhood friends?

Gloria: Huh? Since when?

???: Did you hit your head hard on the wall or something?

Gloria: It's uh... I forgot when I woke up

???: You should've known where he lives by now. His house is right, left, continue, then right and there you can find him

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