Chapter Nine||Eat the Rich

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Chapter Nine
Eat the Rich
TW: violence

Stella sat in her kitchen, staring at the empty cupboards with a frown. She could e sworn there was a pantry full of snacks for the whole island.

She was about to text her dad to pick up food on his way home but there was a knock at her door.

Stella furrowed her brows and rushing over. When she opened the door she was pleasantly surprised to see Pope with bags full of groceries.

"You are just a gift sent from above, aren't you?" She asked and opened the door wider so he could come in.

Pope blushed and smiled at the girls words. "I am here to gift you with food that will last a lifetime."

Stella took a bag from him and lead him to the kitchen, "you know I could've picked this up myself, right?"

Pope sighed and set the stuff on the counter. "I know but it felt like the gentlemanly thing to do," he gave her a boyish grin as she just shook her head at him.

"Well, come on let's go deliver those other groceries," she said happily and walked to the door.

Pope frowned and quickly caught up with the girl, "you don't have to."

Stella just shrugged as she walked to the boat, "I was gonna call you to hangout anyway and plus when we are done my mom will be back and you've always been her favorite so I'm sure she'll give you a big tip."

Stella's parents didn't like talking about their old life but they brought up Pope once in awhile. He was always their favorite and they always said he had good character.

Pope turned is flushed face away from her and just shrugged, "why not. JJ is off doing god knows what right now anyway."

Stella smiled and hopped into the boat, "where to next, captain?"


The two teens were finally on their last delivery and were walking through the golf course to get there quicker.

Stella was holding the case of beer as she ranted about anything and everything to Pope who just silently listened with a smile on his face. She was walking backwards and almost kept tripping, making Pope worry and laugh.

"I just, ugh! You know," she explained as Pope nodded his head in confusion. "Topper is just such a dickwad!"

Pope laughed and was about to respond but stoped when he noticed Rafe and Topper walking towards the two.

"Uh, Stel," he muttered and stopped walking. Stella stopped and furrowed her brows before turning around to see her two least favorite people walking towards her.

"Hey, what's up man? Stella," Rafe said with a smug smirk as he strutted up to them with a crazed look in his eye. "Hey, how much for those beers?" He pointed at it with his golf club and it mad Stella take a step back as he stared at her.

He pushed the golf club up against the two as Pope have him a hard look and grabbed Stella's hand to comfort the girl. "They're not for sale."

The two tried to walk but Rafe stopped them. "Oh, wait, wait, wait. You can just give us one, then, right?"

Stella rolled her eyes and held the beer closer to her chest. "Rafe, leave us alone," he glared at her but she held her head high. "Just order one like everyone else," she said sternly as Topper came over.

Her and Pope tried to walk past again but Rafe stopped them. "Listen. Wait, wait, wait. You're not listening to me," he was glaring down at Pope as Stella shared a worried look with Topper. "Um... you've got so many, bro, and we've got nothing."

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