Chapter Twenty-Five||I'm So Over This Shit

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Chapter Twenty-Five
I'm So Over This Shit

Stella stood next to Pope with her arms crossed as he went over the plan to retrieve the rest of the gold. Truthfully the girl wanted to be anywhere else but where Pope goes, she goes.

"So, we get this boat winch out, bring it to the basement, drill into the floor. We lower you down and get as much as we can," Pope explained to John B. "And, uh... this time we don't drop you."

John B smiled at him sarcastically, "that'd be great."

Stella sighed as John B walked away and she looked up at Pope. "You know," the boy looked down at her with a smile and it made her instantly smile back. "If I feel a panic attack coming on, I'm out. I cant deal with this shit today."

Pope nodded his head and grabbed her hands. "I got you. First sign of trouble and we are out," Stella smiled happily at the boy and wrapped her arm around his waist as they walked to the Twinkie.

Later that day the Pogues made there way to the pawn shop, gold in hand. It was melted down to get rid of the wheat symbol but looked absolutely terrible.

Stella had a permanent frown on her usually cheery face. Even after the worker offered them money.

As she hopped back in the Twinkie she knew something was wrong by the way she felt the need to yack every where. Stella was over this stupid treasure hunt.

"So, they keep money out here?" Pope asked as they drove on an almost abandoned road.

"That's what she said," JJ responded with a shrug before chuckling. "That's what she said."


"I've never even heard of Resurrection Drive," Sarah said as she looked back at them from the passenger seat.

"That's cause you're rich," JJ said.

"You've never heard of it either," Kiara muttered as she narrowed her eyes at the boy.

"Thank you."

Stella sighed, "this seems like a set up."

JJ rolled his eyes at the girl, "Stel, don't even start."

The girl crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at the boy. She had been saying those words since they left the pawn shop.

Kiara looked out the window and frowned. "There's nothing but weeds back here."

Stella hummed, "exactly. A set up."

JJ glared at the girl, "what's with the bad mood, Stelly? You normally always have a smile on your face and now your pissed at every one."

Stella turned away from the prying eyes of her friends as she fidgeted with the string on her shorts. "Nothing. I'm just tired."

JJ nodded but he still knew something was wrong. The boy turned back to Kiara and shrugged. "All right, just 'cause it's just weeds, dosent mean it's, like..." he was cut off by the sound of cops and it made Stella tense up.

Kiara and Pope turned around in confusion. "Cops? Out here?" The girl asked.

JJ threw his hands up in annoyance, "god! Are you kidding me?"

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