Chapter Twenty-eight||Begining of the End

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Chapter Twenty-eight
Beginning of the End

When Stella woke up the next morning she was happy. The group of four were smiling and laughing like old times.

Stella thought for a moment that everything would be okay. That thought was diminished quickly when John B came home.

Stella was the first to notice the boy. "Hey, John! Where have you been?" She called out but got no answer.

The boy ran into the house as his friends followed after him in confusion. "Okay, that's it?" JJ asked.

"Uh... what's that all about?" Pope asked as he gave a questioning glance to JJ.

"I was gonna ask you the same question," he responded and hopped out of the hot tub.

When the four made it into the house John B was making a mess as he searched the house. His behavior was very concerning.

"John B, what's going on?" Stella asked hesitantly as she watched with concern.

"You all right, man?" Pope asked when Stella got no answer. "What-what's up?"

"What are you looking for?" Kie yelled over the loud noise of John B slamming drawers and doors.

"Bro, what's going on man?" JJ asked as John B continued to scramble around the living room.

Suddenly he rose from the couch and pulled out the gun. Stella widened her eyes and took a step back as she grabbed Popes hand.

"John B, what do you need the gun for?" JJ asked as he walked up to the boy which resulted in John B and him wrestling.

John B pushed the boy to the ground as Stella gasped and stared at him with teary eyes. "John B!" She and Kiara yelled.

Pope stepped infront of the door and glared at the boy. "What, are you JJ now?" He asked but only got thrown to the side.

Stella glared at John B and ran after him. She pulled his shoulder back which resulted in him turning around to punch her. Thankfully Stella ducked and slapped the boy hard across the face.

She heard gasps come from behind her but she was to focused on John B to care. "What the fuck!" John B glared at her and it made Stella's eyes soften. "JB, what is going on?"

John B just shook his head and pushed her aside as he ran to his bike and started the engine.

Pope ran over to the girl and pulled her up as JJ and Kiara tried to grovel with the crazed boy.

"Ward knows about the gold!" John B shouted and it shocked everyone. "He killed my dad," those words shocked everyone as they watched him ride off.

Stella had never been more confused in her life.


Later that night the group of four stood at the Cameron's doc, trying to figure out what happened to their friend.

Stella didn't understand how to process the news that John B told them. Her father was Ward Cameron's best friend, he couldn't have had anything to do with this, could he?

"What now?" JJ asked, drawing Stella out of her thoughts. "We just go up to the front door and ask, "hey, have you seen John B?""

Kiara shook her head exasperatedly, "look, he lives at Tannyhill now. It's plausible. Look, we can play dumb."

Stella frowned, "Kie..."

"Okay dumb?" JJ laughed out.

"It's pretty late," Pope stated as he checked his watch for the hundredth time that night.

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