Chapter Seventeen||Coo-coos Nest pt. 2

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Chapter Seventeen
Coo-coos Nest pt. 2

Stella sat in the van, next to Pope, very uncomfortably. There was a passive aggressive tension in the air and it made her sick.

They arrived at their destination and JJ immediately opened the door. "Hit it, boys! We're goin'. Recon mission," he yelled excitedly.

Stella moved to get out of the van but John B stopped them. "Yo, uh... so, uh, I think I'm gonna do this by myself... tonight." Kiara glared at him as Stella deflated back into her seat.

"Really?" JJ asked in annoyance.

"Look, I just don't want to spook Sarah with the peanut gallery," John B explained as Stella frowned.

"I just don't understand why we're involving her at all," Kiara yelled.

"Kie, we're not involving her, okay?" John B groaned out as he got more and more annoyed with Kiaras complaining. "It's-its just, uh, like a-a business meeting."

Stella crossed her arms, "John, this is so messed up. She's my best friend, you know."

John B just brushed off her words, "look, once we get what we need, we cut her loose, all right?"

Stella glared at him and leaned forward menacingly. "You say one more thing like that and I with cut out your eyes, Routledge."

John Bs eyes widened in fear as Pope swiftly grabbed the girl and made her sit next to him.

"I'm being serious," Kiara exclaimed, her words pointed towards John B. "This isn't about you, and this isn't about us. This is about her."

Stella frowned at her words. She understood why Kiara hated Sarah but the girl was still her best friend. She was practically her sister and was there for her when Kiara refused to be.

"Dude, she's gonna get inside your head. Just promise me nothing's happening between you guys," her eyes softened as she stared at the boy.

"I promise," John B said, his eyes directed at the floor when he spook those two words.

"That was really believable," JJ muttered as Kiara shook her head in annoyance.

"A hundred percent believable," Pope scoffed as Stella smacked his chest in warning.

Thunder rumbled and it made Stella flinch. She looked at John B and sighed. "Hurry, before the storm comes in."

John B lightly smiled at her and nodded. "I'm gonna take care of business."

"You're gonna take care of it," JJ mocked as Stella threw her shoe at him, him catching it easily with a smirk.

"I tell you. We'll just sit here..." Popes words overlapped with JJs as he gave back Stella her shoe.

John B exited the car, making Stella sigh in annoyance and exhaustion. "Anyone up for would you rather?"


It had been awhile since John B left.

The tension was thick. Kiara adamantly avoided Stella's gaze as the two boys tried to distract the anxious girl.

Stella took another hit from her inhaler at the sound of thunder. Pope had his hand wrapped tightly around her free one as JJ rambled about anything to distract her.

"Okay so then," JJ exclaims as he moves his hands around wildly. "He, like, does this crazy karate move thing," JJ kicked out his leg and motioned a flip with his hands. "You know?"

Kiara furrowed her brows at the boy as he did another karate chop. "What movie is this again?"

JJ paused and looked at her with an exasperated look. "Kie, keep up! It's karate kid with Jaden Smith, obviously!"

Kiara narrowed her eyes at him, "yeah, obviously."

JJ shook his head at her with a grin before turning back to Stella and Pope. The two were trying to hide their laughter. "Anyway... then he did this crazy-" JJ was cut off by a yell that sounded a lot like Sarah.

Stella furrowed her brows as Pope looked to her in confusion. "Is that Sarah?"

Stella nodded when she heard the yells again. The four immediately ran out into the storm. "Sarah!" Stella yelled worriedly.

"Stella!" The girl yelled back and Stella ran to where her voice came from.

When the four arrived they were shown a sight Stella hoped she'd never have to see again. Sarah leaning over John Bs unmoving body as she sobbed.

"Oh my god!" Stella yelled in horror as she fell to her knees beside Sarah.

"What the hell happened!" Kiara asked in a frenzy. No one knew what to do in this situation.

"T-topper pushed him off the tower," the girl whimpered as Stella wrapped her arms around her. Topper just got number one on her shit list, Rafe close behind.

"Pope go call an ambulance!" JJ yelled out as Pope immediately ran to the Twinkie.

"Please be okay," Sarah muttered. "I need you to be okay," she gently pressed a kiss to his lips and that's when Stella knew. John B was the second person to finally break down Sarah Cameron's walls.



Sorry it's been five days. School has been killing me and I had my winter formal this weekend so I've been busy.

I am so grateful and proud that my book has been getting so much love. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you continue to stick around and see Stella's journey.

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