~Revealing The Secret~

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//Alans P.O.V//2 days after power, music And Backstory//
I waited for everyone to come to the announcement area. I was nervous to tell them but I knew it was now or never.

'I just want to say,don't take this the wrong way but I have something to tell you all that I have kept for a while. Im one of them. An infected. But. There is a positive to this. Im what people call half infected. Meaning that I was attacked but I only show the symptoms/side effects to this virus'

They all stared. They all looked shocked. Then I noticed 97679 looked not so surprised. But then I suddenly realised. She knew. She knew it all. She somehow knew. That's why she wasn't shocked. Once they had all left, I pulled her aside to talk to her.

'look, please be completely honest with me on this but, how did you already know I was infected?'
'*sigh* I can mind read...its one of the 3 powers I have...i knew you were worried about the others finding out. You were thinking about it when you pulled me into the alley. Not only did I run off because of my nose but because I was too shocked and I didn't want you to realise that I knew!'
'but...why...why didn't you tell anyone...'
'It was something that you were worried about and since noone Knew, I kept your secret. I don't like people who tell others secrets! That defeats the whole thing of it being a secret! And, it seemed really selfish to just confront you about it so I waited until you were ready to tell us. I was already going to tell you after'

I was shocked but dying to know something.

'but wait...if your first power is electric beaming... And your second is mind reading... What the third...'
'Sentience...i know what people feel...thats why I always know how to help...'

I stood there,shocked. She looked at me with a concerned look on her face. I didn't even think it was possible to have more than one power.

'anyway,I'm glad you decided to tell the others. It seemed like it was really bothering you'
'it was...'

I still stood there, unsure if what to do. Then we heard something...a scream... I suddenly realised it was...


i ran out of there. I heard 97679's footsteps behind me. Once we got out there, there she was. On the floor, 97679 looked genuinely shocked but then she looked p1ssed off. I looked ahead. Then I saw him. Lily's crazy Ex boyfriend who s*xually assaulted her and had an obsession with trying to get her back. He still had that bruise on his face from when I slapped him before he was taken by the police. He said that he would be back but I didn't expect it to be this soon. I looked at 97679. She stepped forward. I knew she read my mind and realsied who he was.

'well well well, if it isn't Alan Walker'
'p*ss off,you f*cking disgusting excuse of a person.'
'you know exactly why I'm here! Give me my girl'
'no...you stay away from her.'

He then got closer to lily. 97679 seemed like she had enough of it and she just shouted.

'aww, what's a little girl gonna do! Please, you wouldnt even hurt a fly!'
'you wanna f*cking bet! Your sorry excuse for existence isn't your only flaw but your a sick f*cking b*tch that can't leave people alone'
'and you act like youre perfect! You can't even control your powers!'

I heard gasps and someone said 'what powers?' in the crowd behind us. I looked at 97679 again and she looked livid. Her eyes went crimson red and she walked towards him. She had her hands chest width apart and I saw a blue beam come from them. She then closed her hands and inbetween her fingers was like a small blue electrical beam. She then kicked him where it hurts and slapped him across the face. It left a massive burn mark. She then pushed him down and had her hands apart again and another beam shot from them. She then seemed to have closed them again, making the beam inbetween her fingers more blue.

'listen here, If you don't leave, then you shall face the consequences!'
'do your worst!'

He then stood up and looked her straight in the eye. I  noticed the beam wasn't inbetween her fingers anymore and then she fell down but she grabbed him by the leg. When she grabbed him, it shocked him. He fell down and she got up.

'fine...you win kid... But don't think this is the last time'

He left and 97679 turned around.

'look, everyone. What you heard and just saw wasn't illusions or a lie. I do have powers. And he was correct in saying I couldn't control them fully yet. The only reason I just did that was for everyone else's safety. So he couldn't hurt anyone else in this community. I understand if some are mad that I kept this from you all but I had to'

I turned around and they all had that shocked look again. 97414 stepped up.

'its okay. None of us are mad.'

Then everyone wnrt back to their houses. I helped lily up and she looked terrified.

'you alright lily?'
'did he try to-'
'yeah...but...im trying it figure out...the other day... Was 97679 being not well enough to be on duty... Was that something to do with her powers?'
'yes...it was... She didn't want me to tell anyone'

We both looked at the end of the road and 97679 was still there. I walked over to her.

'are you okay?'
'yeah...i...im just shocked...'
'I don't even know how I did that! I didn't even intend to hut him as badly as I did! But I lost control! I couldn't stop myself! It was like something took over!'
'it's alright... He kind of deserved it...he tried to...you know... Hurt lily'
'I just...i already regret it! I know I shouldn't have done it! But I think he has an enemy power...energy stealing...the reason the blue faded from my hand was because he was stopping me. He was straining me of all my energy. I only had the slightest bit of energy left to pull him down'
'but wait...are you... Alright? If he strained you, surely...'
'it doesnt...always work like that... It doesn't always...work in that way... It can work when they do it and then you'll can feel really tired later on...'
'I...i don't know what to say to that but...you should probably sit down...surely...'
'I'm fine...i just won't be later'
'I'm coming with you. Someone needs to be there...i don't want you to feel like no one's there'

We then both walked back to where she lived but someone stopped us.


I Turned around and I was shocked to see he was okay...

The Walker Infection... An Alan Walker Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now