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I'VE ALWAYS BEEN TOLD MIRACLES EXIST. Of course, being the skeptical person that I am; I refused to believe such things. However, I no longer know what to believe anymore, considering the sticky situation i'm currently in. Some would say the type of situation I now find myself in is what they call — a miracle.

I call bullshit.

Whoever said being reborn into an infants body is a miracle, they deserve a hard slap in the face. I've never believed in reincarnation, because quite frankly, that would be labeled as a miracle. And I don't believe in miracles. I think.

Let me rewind my whirlwind of a day.

Firstly, my name is Jacklyn Park. I'm twenty-one years old, or, was twenty-one years old. I was just making my way down the street, my face in my phone. Since I wasn't paying attention, I had accidentally fallen over a railing into a construction pit that was in the middle of the sidewalk.

I flipped over and hit the ground pretty hard. I'm also sure I broke a few bones. I, however, did not die. I was just in pain. A lot of pain.

Now here's the worst part — the dim witted construction workers didn't seem to see me fall into their little hole in the ground. It was quite evident as they began lowering a big boulder into the hole; don't ask me why, because I have no idea.

I'm sure they would have seen me if the wire that was holding the boulder up didn't snap. I practically watched in slow motion as the large, heavy rock fell into the hole, crushing and killing me instantly.

The embarrassing part about it is this entire thing could have been avoided if I hadn't been looking at my damned phone. In my defense, I was writing a very important email to my professor about giving me more time to write a paper that was due.

But I guess that doesn't matter anymore considering I died. I'm sure he'll give me a free pass on this one.

After the boulder crushed me, everything went black. I thankfully did not feel any pain of being crushed. I thought it was over. That was until I opened my eyes, the bright light in the room practically blinding me.

Did I survive? No. There's absolutely no way.

After my vision cleared and my eyes adjusted to the light, I came face to face with whom looked like a doctor.

I mean, he fit the description pretty well. His stare was blank and his eyes were glassy. It was almost was if he was... hypnotized. I tried to speak but it just came out as a loud cry.

Why the hell can't I speak? What's going on?

"You have a beautiful baby girl." The man said. It wasn't until then that I realized I wasn't in a hospital bed, this unknown man was holding me — I mean, in his hands.

Had I been... reborn into an infants body?

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

I tried turning my head to the sound of a woman replying, but I couldn't even do that. "Can I hold her?" The unknown woman asks.

The doctor looks over towards the corner of the room, as if asking someone for assurance. A few moments later he passes me over to her. She holds me in her arms, and looks at me with adoring eyes.

When I see her face, it's quite obvious she isn't even a woman. More like a girl. A teenager.

Teenage pregnancy is an epidemic, what are you gonna do?

The girl has tears in her eyes as she looks down at me, kissing my head.

"Blair. I'll name your Blair." She states, staring down at me in awe.

I guess I don't really have a choice in the matter. Though, the name Blair sounds kind of basic to me. Besides that, the girl holding me who is, I guess, my new mom looks very familiar.

Her name is screaming at me but for some reason I can't hear it. It was quite frustrating. You know when you just have the answer at the tip of your tongue and can't put a name to the face? It makes you just want to rip your hair out.

If I had any hair, of course.

Before I could think any further, a British voice sounds around the room.

"Alright, times up." The voice cold and demanding.

The girl looks startled, "No. Please. Just a few more minutes." She began to plead.

"No. You've had your time," the man spat, "it's time to say your goodbyes."

Before the girl could get the chance to protest the doctor snatched me from her arms. Quite rude if you ask me. The girl begins screaming my newfound name as the nurses hold her back.

All the commotion makes my new baby brain lost and confused. "Give me back to her right this instant you wanker!" I wanted to say, but my pleas just came out as loud cries.

After I was taken away the doctor did what all doctors do when a child is born. They cleaned me, weighed me, and fed me before putting me in a room full of other babies.

I couldn't understand what was even happening. I, of course, know that I've somehow been reborn, along with having the "gift" of keeping my memories from my last life that was cut short.

Before I could even think further on the situation, my eyes began to grow heavy. Before long I fell asleep.

I don't know why I would do such a thing in such a direr situation. I guess I must be extremely tired.


Completed: 03/03/2023

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