¢нαρтєя 4

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WHY IS MY LIFE SO STRESSFUL? THEY SAY NEWBORN BABIES SHOULDN'T FEEL THIS KIND OF STRESS, yet here I am -- stressing majorly! In my past life, I was left by my own parents. They didn't even have the decency to just give me up for adoption. Now, in my new life, my mother was just sacrificed and brought back to life while my father is dying of a werewolf bite.

Why? Because he's a vampire. Werewolf bites are toxic to their kind. When I say toxic, I mean; deathly toxic.

Also -- he's a freaking vampire!

I've been sitting here stressing in this damned house for three days straight.

God. I never knew my life could get so fucked up. Don't get me wrong, my life was pretty messed up in my past life, but at least I don't remember it. Or, at least the part of being left by my parents.

The thought makes a question pop into my head. Do all babies remember their past lives? Maybe they just forget them after awhile? 

Suddenly, I hear a voice. I had been so lost in my thoughts, I completely forgot about my surroundings. After the funeral of that waste of sp- I mean John and Elena's loving aunt, Jenna. I was brought back to the Gilbert residence. 

She had sat me down in some swing that babies seem to like, which I actually understand. I don't know if it's because I'm in an infants body or not, but I am enjoying the constant swaying immensely. It's quite soothing. 

"That'll get easier. But you knew that," Damon said with an edge to his voice.

That may be true, but I don't think it will considering everyone around this poor girl just seems to die. I wonder how she feels in all this. Though, I do have one question that keeps picking at my mind. Are Elena and Stefan together? They should be as of now, but she had a baby with Damon

I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Until then, I'll observe since that's all I can do.

"What do you want?" Elena asked with venom in her voice. I don't understand as to why she is so upset with him. Maybe she has a good reason to be, I just don't remember. Hopefully they'll mention the reason in their conversation here. I hate being left in the dark.

"I want to apologize."


"Please. Elena, feeding you my blood, I was wrong." His voice was laced with genuine sincerity. It was so sincere that I was sure she was going to accept the apology. At least I know why she's angry.

"Yes, you were," was all she replied. It was quite a short answer and she still seemed angry at him.

"And I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but... I need it," Damon practically pleaded with the brunette girl. I'm pretty sure I heard a crack in his voice as well.

I'd think it would be best to forgive him since, I don't know, he's dying and all. Oh god. Shit! I forgot he was bitten by that damned werewolf. Why can't she just accept his apology?! He needs it. Elena is being difficult for no reason at all.

For the first time, Elena is actually starting to annoy me.

Then, something clicks. She has every right to be upset with him. I'm positive she would forgive him if she knew he was dying. But she doesn't know, and it doesn't look like he's planning on telling her either.

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