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WHEN I AWOKE FROM MY SLUMBER, I was still, unfortunately, in the room that doctor put me in.

I couldn't really move my head, so from what I could see; there was a wide window in the front of the room that looks out into the hallway of the hospital.

I couldn't really see anything else other than my pale baby hands and the ceiling. The room was quiet other than the cries of a few other babies in the room with me and the hustle bustle of a nurse coming in to tend to their needs.

I didn't really cry at all. I didn't have anything to cry for. Though, a nurse still came in to check on me and the other infants.

I was growing quite bored just lying there helpless in that room for what felt like forever. Since I had nothing else to do I began to think about that teenage girl that was my new mom.

Not like I ever knew my mom in my last life. All I know is that I was left on the steps of a fire station. I was unwanted, unloved.

Is this what was happening now? Did that girl give me up because she didn't want me? I want that to be the answer so I could move on, but something in the back of mind is telling me.. it's wrong.

It's not the way she stroked my head gently, had given me a name, nor was it the fact she looked extremely familiar. it's the way she screamed and kicked as I was being taken away. Surely, if a mother changed her mind last minute to not give her baby up they'd give me back. So why didn't they?

Unless something more sinister is going on here.

Who was that man? What was he doing to her? Oh god. Was she a victim of sex trafficking?! Had she accidentally fallen pregnant by the abuse she was enduring?

All of this thinking made my baby brain incredibly tired and even though I didn't want to, I once again, fell asleep.

When I awoke once more, I was in for a surprise as a pair of ocean blue eyes were staring down at me. His pale finger stroking mine. Not only did he look very familiar, he was also extremely gorgeous.

When he noticed that I was awake, he smiled down at me. "Hey there, little one," he spoke softly.

"Hello, and who might you be oddly familiar man?"

He just smiled softly as my words only came out as gibberish. He may find it cute, I just find it annoying and quite inconvenient. He looked very young, but not as young as that girl that had given birth to me. Maybe somewhere in his early, middle 20's.

His eyes were that of the ocean. Staring into them could never get old. They seemed almost kind but had a hint of sadness beneath them. His skin was beautifully pale with a little bit of an olive undertone. His raven hair fell perfectly onto his face. It was like he was molded by a Greek God.

He looked at, what I presume, was my name tag in front of the crib. His smile grew wider, just a bit. 

"Blair," he read off the name tag. "Beautiful."

"You think so? I think it's quite boring and bland. If I was going to be reborn, as least give me a good solid name." My words coming out, once again, as baby gibberish.

He laughed at my baby talk. I'm glad he thinks my suffering is funny. His face suddenly turned sad and remorseful.

"I'm so sorry," he began. "I should have been there for you. I guess I'm not so good at this dad thing."

Wait. Dad?  As in the man who impregnated that girl? The man who's sperm created me? This gorgeous man standing in front of me is whom I share blood with?

"I was just trying to find a way to save your mother from her little suicide mission," he continued. "But it's too late. The sacrifice is happening now, as we speak. And now... I won't be able to see you grow up." He said, his voice cracking and his eyes filling with tears.

I can understand his words. I just understand what the hell he means. Suicide mission? Sacrifice? Why won't he see me grow up? Is he going somewhere? If so; where? 

I have so many questions that I have a feeling are going to be left unanswered.

He took a deep breath before he continued once more. "I may not be here for long, but you listen to me. You are Blair Salvatore. Daughter of Damon Salvatore who loves you very much. Even if I'm not here, you'll have your Mother and your Uncle Stefan right there by your side."

Damon Salvatore?




Damon and Stefan Salvatore? 




You have got to be joking.


Completed: 03/10/2023


I know this chapter was short and I'll try my very best to make it longer next chapter. I also would like to say that I have no problem with the name Blair. I think it's a very pretty name which is why I picked it. I just was giving the character a little depth and showing her adjusting to this new reality. No offense to anyone named Blair, you have very beautiful name. I just feel that if everyone remembered their past life when they were born would cringe at the name they were given. Anyways, I'll make the next chapter soon. Have a wonderful day or night. <3

Yours Truly,


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