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ELENA WOKE ME UP EXTRA early this morning. She's been lugging me around all day long trying to get information on Stefan's whereabouts.

On the drive, I watch all the pretty colors pass me by in a blurry flash. I can finally see color, and I will never take that for granted again.

I can't see too much color, but it's starting to break through a lot, and that's honestly enough for me.

As we arrive at the Salvatore house, Elena just waltzes in and makes her way to Damon's bedroom. The TV was one and in flashed the daily news.

"Just can't stay away, huh?" Damon asked without looking away from the TV.

Elena placed my carrier down on the small rectangular couch in front of Damon's bed. "You've been dodging my calls." Elena said snippily, crossing her arms over her chest.

Damon turned at this. "Yeah, well, busy dating a dead fake girlfriend and all."

Ah, I forgot he dated that news lady that had the name of a stripper.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Elena asked, she seemed concerned now, all of her anger that she had originally walked in with was now gone.

"Happy Birthday, Elena. Stefan killed Andie. Cake?"

If I could laugh, I would.

There was an awkward silence for just a moment, but it felt like a little longer than that.

"He called me, Damon." Was all Elena could say to break the silence.

I wasn't exactly sure who she was talking about. Then again, I was passed out as soon as we got home. That's been a pattern of mine lately.


"Stefan called me last night." Elena clarified.

Ah, of course, Stefan. That weakling.

"Well, what did he say?" Damon asked almost impatiently.

"He didn't say anything, but it was him. I asked Sheriff Forbes if she would trace the call's origin. It came from Tennessee." Elena answered.

"Where he's binge drinking on the country folk. We went through this, Elena. Stefan's gone. I don't mean geographically." Damon says as he throws a bunch of documents into his lit fireplace, which might I say is completely unnecessary in this hot August heat. I feel like I'm quite literally melting.

"If he was gone, he wouldn't have called." Elena tried to say, but she wasn't getting through to Damon.

After that conversation, Elena left and went to Alaric's apartment. She had asked him for information, in which he gave some up, but not too much and she was on her way again.

I honestly don't think it's good for a four month old baby to be traveling this much.

She goes to the grill, or what I like to call it; The Teenage/Supernatural Hangout Spot. There is where she meets that mongrel, Tyler Lockwood. She sits down in a booth with him, with me sitting in her lap.

The dog waves at me as if everything is cool and we're pals. He's got another thing coming. I roll my eyes at him and scowl at him. It's something I've learned to do.

It recoils and says, "I'm starting to think that she doesn't like me."

Are you now?

"Who? Blair? No. She can just be a little shy sometimes." Elena explains.

No. He was correct the first time.

The two begin to talk about werewolves. I'm sure Elena didn't care much for them, she just wanted information.

"A lot of us like to keep to ourselves for the full moon, chain ourselves up. But there are some werewolves that like to gather in places were they don't have to do that, where they can enjoy it." Tyler explains as he sips his drink.

"What kind of places?" Elena questions as she bounces me up and down with her leg.

In my past life, I've seen people do this with babies. It's meant to soothe them, and keep them content. I, however, find it to be quite irritating.

I let out a small, irritated whine as a sign for her to stop. Thankfully, she did and continued talking to the dog.

"Mountains, state parks, deserts, that kind of stuff." Tyler shrugged, taming another sip of his drink.

"Anywhere in Tennessee?" Elena inquired.

"Yeah. Here. Give me your phone. I'll try to pull up a map." With that Elena handed him her phone.

"Thanks for this. I know it's asking a lot."

"As Caroline likes to remind me, Stefan's in this mess because I bit Damon. I figure I owe you one. Have you talked to her today?" He asked curiously.

Owe us one? Ha!

"No. Why?"

"Just curious. Here." Tyler says as he hands her phone back. "That's your best bet."

They both say their goodbyes. As Elena puts me on her hip and walks away, I make sure to give a mean glare to let him know I'm still standing on business. I could tell it makes him uncomfortable, as he shifts in his seat and avoids eye contact. This sends a good amount of joy through my four month old body.

Elena goes and meets Alaric at the bar. Alaric sends a little wave, but I'm in no mood for cheeriness. I've been lugged around all day, and I haven't my nap god damn it.

"Did you get anything?" Alaric asked Elena.

"How do you feel about a little hike through the Smoky Mountains?" Elena inquires.

Alaric raises his eyebrows in surprise. "You wanna hunt down a pack of werewolves on a full moon? What about Blair? Who will watch her? Can't be Damon, he'll surely be suspicious."

"We'll be out of there before the moon is full. Blair is going to be coming with me, it'll be fine." Elena tries to reason. But when she doesn't get a response she says, "If you don't come with me, I'm going by myself. It'll be me, myself, and little Blair here."

Alaric just gives here a blank, bewildered stare. This doesn't affect Elena much as she simply shrugs and adds, "What? You're the one who told me that I could handle things on my own now."

Damn. She got him there.

"Yea, I mean't like frozen dinners and SATS." Alaric tries to say, but Elena just began to walk away.

"A-all right fine. Let's just... let's just go. But, uh, you're driving." Alaric calls out to her causing a triumphant smirk to curve her lips.

Well, looks like we're going on a road trip. Yay.

Can you hear my sarcasm?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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