¢нαρтєя 2

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I'VE NEVER BEEN A BELIEVER OF SUCH OUTLANDISH THINGS LIKE REINCARNATION, nor did I believe that you could somehow be reborn into a fictional TV show. I've seen those weird fanfictions of people awakening into their favorite show or movie's universe. The only difference being; they awoke inside a body of a character that already existed or, they awoke as themselves. So why did I awake inside the body of a mere infant that didn't even exist in the show?

It made absolutely no sense. I have no idea why I am here or what my purpose is. Maybe, it was a dream. Why would I dream about a show I haven't thought twice about since leaving my foster home at eighteen? I have no damned clue.

Damon had taken me from the hospital and brought me to his mansion that he shares with Stefan.

God. Stefan Salvatore is my uncle.

"Welcome home, little one." Damon smiled down at me weakly after setting my carrier down in the parlor.

I tried to look around and check my surroundings but I still couldn't move my damned head. It was quite irritating. I sighed loudly as my new father walked towards a table and poured himself a drink. The liquid he poured was black and white.

Now that I mentioned it; everything was in black and white. It was as if I was in some fifties movie. Though, now that I remember, newborns can't see color. It will take about four months for my vision to develop fully.

I don't think I'll have to wait that long, anyways. I mean, this is merely a dream, is it not? Maybe this dream is a sign that it's time to revisit old memories and watch the show. I'd bet the next time I fall asleep, I'll wake up either in my bed or in the hospital. I'm secretly-- well, I'm hoping very loudly -- that I wake up in my bed and getting crushed by that boulder was just a part of the dream.

Because if not, I'd rather stay here than awake in pain with all of my bones broken. There is no way I came out of that unscathed.

Just as I was about to begin my plan, I hear Damon conversating with someone. They were in the middle of what seemed like a verbal altercation with some man I do not recognize.

"You what?!" The unfamiliar man shouted at Damon.

"When Klaus kills Elena in the sacrifice, she will come back to life," Damon began nonchalantly. "Granted, as the thing you hate most in the world, but no one really cares what you think."

Damon begins to walk back into the parlor. This clearly angers the man as he attempts to grab Damon's arm and pull him back. Before the man could even react, he's pinned up against the wall in a blurry flash. I almost jump at the sudden movement I had just witnessed.

"You do not want to mess with me right now," Damon warns before letting go of the man.

"You ruined her life. You know that, right?" I internally scoff at this. From what I'm getting, Damon saved Elena's life. I don't see him coming up with any bright ideas.

"I know, John," Damon sneered. "I took her choice, destroyed her future. Trust me, I get it. It actually gets worse."

Ah, John. Elena's pesky, pathetic, good for nothing birth father. Damon walks towards my carrier and bends down. He looked troubled so I wrapped my little finger around his. He smiled down at me, before returning to his depressed state.

"How could it possibly get worse?" John asked, ruining our moment.

Just then, John spots me in the carrier. He looked shocked, sad, confused. "Is that..." He trailed off.


John bends down and studies me with awe, before turning back to Damon. "How come I wasn't notified about this?"

"Oh, hey John! We're kind of in the middle of a life or death situation here, but your granddaughter was born!" Damon mocked.

John rolled his eyes. "She is my grandchild. I should have been told."

Oh, fuck off John.

"What's her name?" John asked after a long moment of silence.

"Blair," Damon answered. "Her name is Blair."

John smiled, liking the name. "Blair Gilbert. That's a fine name."

"Actually," Damon scowled. "Her name is Blair Salvatore."

John looked back up at Damon with a disgusted expression. "Who the hell gave her that name?" He asked. Well, he didn't really ask, he demanded. So rude.

"Elena did. Her name is Blair Marie Salvatore."

At least I know my full name now. I have to admit, I wasn't too fond of the name but 'Blair Marie Salvatore' has quite the nice ring to it. I was growing quite tired, and I was getting sick of John staring at me, so I put my baby powers to use. I began to cry.

"Alright, it's time for you to leave." Damon announced causing John to frown.

"You better take care of her," John warned the vampire.

Damon didn't respond as he took me out of that horrid carrier and brought me upstairs. He fed me, burped me, and to my utter embarrassment, changed my diaper. Even though I couldn't see color, the room still looked nice.

I'm guessing it's my room as there is a bunch of baby stuff in here, along with a beautiful crib with a white canopy hanging above it.

Damon placed me in the crib and turned off the light. Before he left the room he turned on the lullaby which made me more sleepy. I'd think this was a great way to wake up from a dream. As my eyelids grew more heavy by the second, I began to think about what it would be like when I awake from this dream.

I would actually miss this place. Of course, being an infant wasn't the best, but I would miss Damon. He was quite nice. Before I could think further, everything went dark and I fell asleep.

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