¢нαρтєя 6

260 13 2

LATER THAT DAY, ELENA AND I WENT BACK TO THE SALVATORE RESIDENCE, along with that blonde who I learned name is Caroline Forbes, daughter of that Sheriff, whom by the way is apparently on our side now. I mean, she kind of has to be since her daughter is a vampire. Caroline also brought along that mongrel, Tyler Lockwood. You know the werewolf who bit and almost killed my father; yeah, him.

I practically glower at him every time he comes into my line of view. I mean, the nerve, the audacity for him to even step foot into the Salvatore residence after what he'd done. I would spit in his face if I could.

They of course placed me in the high chair, which I actually don't mind. It's higher, more comfortable, and certainly a better alternative than that horrible carrier. Elena placed toys on the small table attached to it expecting me to play with them or something.

It's been almost a full month since my birth and yet Elena still tries to get me to play with toys. Has she not learned at all? Every time she attempts to give me a toy, I turn my head away from her and refuse it. Isn't that evidence enough that, I don't know, I don't want to play with the damned things?!

"Here Blair, play with this," Elena said, placing the toy in my hands. 

I'd rather die. Again. 

I simply push the toys off the edge of the high chair and watch in satisfaction as they hit the floor. 

Elena frowns at this before turning back to Caroline and that mongrel who are setting up for a party later on. "I don't understand why she won't play with the toys."

"Maybe she just doesn't want to play with them?" Caroline suggested, shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeah, I mean, not all babies want to play with toys," the mongrel added. 

The only toy I'd be interested in is that mongrel's head on stick, that would keep me entertained all day long.

"Yeah, maybe," Elena murmured, not looking convinced. This made me feel nervous, what if she discovers I'm not actually her kid, that I somehow snatched her daughter's body? Maybe I should at least pretend to play with the damned toys, just to get her off my back.

"So, how are the leads going?" Caroline asked, changing the subject.

"They're good. I got another lead from Memphis. I told Damon," Elena huffed at the mention of his name, still aggravated from the events that happened earlier. 

Caroline noticed this. "What's going on with you and Damon?"

"I feel like I have to fight Damon every single time we get a lead on Stefan," Elena complained, shaking her head.

"Maybe he doesn't want to find him," the mongrel remarked. 

Caroline sent him a shocked look, "Tyler!" 

"What? He's into you, isn't he?" He questioned.

Elena shook her head in disagreement. "The only reason Stefan left with Klaus was that so he could save Damon's life. I mean, trust me, Damon wants to find him."

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