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ALL OF THAT SCREAMING REALLY TIRED ME OUT. I thought I'd be able to go longer, but clearly not. I still think I did good work, I screeched for a good hour before I eventually fell asleep. All I know is that they better give me back to my mother, and that hopefully they didn't find my father. He must be dead by now, I'm sure. 

When I awake -- I find myself strapped in my carrier inside of a moving car. What if I'm being taken away? That sheriff did say that she would take me away from my mother. I begin to whine just as the car comes to stop. The driver gets out and opens my door. I let out a major sigh of relief when the driver is revealed to be; my beloved mother. 

My whining stops immediately and I try my very best to smile. Elena chuckles at my toothless smile, "look who's happy to see me."

Girl, you have no idea just how happy I am. 

Elena takes me out of the car and brings me inside the Gilbert residence. I glance over at the clock and the time reads; 11:30 pm. That means it's still May 1st. Who knew such a hectic day could fit in that time span. 

She brings me upstairs quietly, presumably to not wake Jeremy and brings me into my bedroom. I actually haven't been in this room yet. It's much smaller than my room back at the boarding house, but it's cute nonetheless. 

Elena does the ongoing nightly routine; she feeds me, burps me, changes me, and rocks me to sleep. As she does so, I think about my father, ergo; Damon. 

I hope he went peacefully. I doubt it though. From what I remember of the show, a vampire dying from a werewolf is pretty brutal. I don't remember the exact details, and I'm glad I don't. I let out a tired sigh as my eyelids grow more heavy by the second. Before I know it, I've fallen asleep -- which seems to be an ongoing thing for me -- but I digress. 

I don't know how long it was before I awoke once more, but when I did it was still dark outside. I glance over at the clock and the time reads; 3:16 am. That means its now May 2nd. Don't judge, I'd like to have track of time while I'm in baby form, thank you very much.

My heart nearly jumps out of my chest when I notice a figure standing -- or sitting -- in the corner of the room. It sits right in my rocking chair, rocking back and forth, because that's not creepy or anything. It stands from the rocking chair and moves towards my crib.

"No, back away demon!" 

As it gets closer, I realize its not an it, its a he. That he is... Damon? Wait, didn't he, I don't know, die?! I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm glad he isn't but what happened? 

He smiles down at me and I feel a sense of relief and warmth flow through me. I'm so glad I get to see his ocean blue eyes, and his raven black hair, and his beautiful pale skin with the olive undertones. 

"Did you miss me?" He asked, whispering softly. 


It's been a month and fifty-one days since the events that went down. I have exactly eight more days until I am officially one month old. Though, I'm still color blind unfortunately. I've been paying very close attention to the date. Four days ago it was Damon's birthday, he didn't celebrate much, he just chugged a bottle of bourbon with his buddy Alaric. 

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