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RIGHT AFTER THE SHERIFF CALLED MY PARENTS, they practically ditched the party and came straight to the Forbes' residence. My mind is still a little boggled at the fact that I have vampire blood in my system.

I sat in my carrier as Damon and Elena examined my finger with a look of worry on their face. Why were they worried? The cut healed, I am perfectly fine.

"A vase fell and broke earlier, and I thought I had picked up all of the glass shards but I must have missed a piece," the sheriff rambled frantically. "I am so sorry."

Elena held up a hand of reassurance, "It's okay. Blair is okay, and that's all that matters."

"The cut just... healed. Does this mean she has.. vampire blood in her system?" The sheriff asked.

Pretty stupid question if you ask me. It's obvious I have vampire blood in me.

"I mean... maybe? Damon did you give her vampire blood?" Elena asked a Damon who was still looking at my healed finger.

"No," he replied, "she must have been born with vampire blood in her system. There is no other explanation."

"Wait, are you saying that she just has vampire blood running through her veins? How would that make sense? And how would we know for sure?" The sheriff bombarded Damon with questions.

"Look, I don't know and I don't care. All I care about right now is my daughter, okay?" Damon snapped.

It finally clicked. He cares about me. They both do. They had dropped an entire party just to make sure I was okay. I know, it must be silly to feel good about this feeling, but I've never had parents to care about me.

"Alright, let's bring her back to the boarding house," Elena said.

Damon nodded in agreement before they both said their goodbyes to the sheriff and they we were on our way.

Once we arrived at the Salvatore residence, I was brought to Damon's room and placed on his bed with pillows to keep me from falling from my sitting position. Damon grabbed what looked like a needle from his drawer and made his way towards me.

"What are you doing?" Elena asked from beside me.

"Testing to see if she has vampire blood in her system," Damon simply replied before piercing my finger with the needle.

It didn't hurt as much as being sliced by glass, so I only let out a small hiss. The pain didn't last long as it almost immediately began to heal. We all watch in awe as the small wound closes up.

"Well, there's our answer," Damon muttered.

He seems troubled by something, but what? I don't get to think much before Elena speaks. "I saw your closet."

Damon only sighs heavily rubbing his temple with his fingers.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why did you keep it a secret?" Elena asked, becoming heated.

"Can we not do this right now? I'm having a really bad night," Damon answered simply, not wanting to engage in argument.

But nevertheless, Elena continued. "All summer, every time I came to you with a lead, you made me feel like an idiot for having hope."

Damon merely scoffs. "You were an idiot. We both were."

"Tell me what you know, Damon."

I'm still confused on what the hell they're even talking about. I just hate being left in the dark about things.

"I know you need to go back to your party, Elena." I completely forgot there was even a party still going on downstairs.

"We're supposed to be in this together. Why didn't you tell me that you've been tracking Klaus' victims?" Elena demanded.

Oh. So this is about Klaus. If it's not about Klaus, it's about that annoying, blood thirsty, blood addict, bunny eating, wanker, Stefan. I am actually getting sick of hearing his stupid name. I know he's my uncle, but god damn there is only so much an infant can take.

I bet Stefan's name is about to be mentioned.

"Because they're not Klaus' victims, Elena, they're Stefan's!" Damon snapped.

Knew it.

Elena was silent for a moment before letting out a strained, "what?"

"He's left a trail of body parts up and down the eastern seaboard." Damon drawled, sick of the conversation.

"No. You're wrong," Elena denied, shaking her head adamantly in disagreement.

"I've seen it happen before. He's flipped the switch. Full-blown ripper."

"Stop it, Damon."

"No, you stop, Elena! Stop looking for him. Stop waiting for him to come home. Just stop! Stefan is gone and he's not coming back. Not in your lifetime." Damon shouted, startling Elena and I.

Just as the words came out of his mouth, I could tell he instantly regretted it.

He, however, didn't say a thing as he walked away leaving Elena standing there by herself weeping.

After she was finished crying, she gathered by things and put me inside the torture carrier. I didn't complain or whine this though. Now was not the time.

When we arrived at the Gilbert residence, Elena was met with Alaric telling her he was leaving. So now she has to watch over her brother and her child.

I couldn't help but feel bad for Elena. When I watched the show, I remember not liking her very much. In fact, a lot of people did not like her character.

But experiencing things first hand like this puts things in a different perspective.

I now know the woes of Elena Gilbert.


I am soooo sorry for not posting... LMAO. Hope you forgive me.

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