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JUST TO GIVE YOU A HEADS UP, it was not a dream. Because If it were, I wouldn't still be here. When I opened my eyes, I had been so sure that I was back in my bed. I was so assured that I tried to roll over and get out of bed. Not only couldn't I roll over, I couldn't get out because those damned wooden bars are in my way.

This means I really did die. I'm not one to give up, but what else can I do? I'm stuck in an infants body the least I could do was embrace it, right?

As I lay there staring at the ceiling, I began to notice how little control I have over my limbs. It was quite agitating as my arms and legs kept moving without me giving them the command to do so.

Trying my best to not focus on the annoying movement of my legs, I tried my best to try and put together what was going on as of now. I needed to know what to expect. From the information I've received in the last ten hours or so, Klaus has come to use Elena in his little ritual. I don't quite remember why he needed my mother, sue me.

It seems when I was born, Klaus was in the room to take my mother away as soon as I had been born. I'd also observed that he clearly used that mind controlling power that vampires have on the hospital staff.

Wait. So, I was born on the day my new found mother was sacrificed in some silly ritual? That's awfully tragic. What even was the date yesterday? I'd at least like to know my birth date.

Before I could really dive deep into that thought, the door opens and in walks Elena Gilbert. Or my mother I should say. She slowly walks over to my ca- I mean, crib- and looks down at me in complete and utter awe. I feel a surge of warmth surge through me as she gently strokes my hand.

I've only just met her for the second time and yet, I feel such a strong connection between her and I. From my understanding of the show, Elena was the selfless, gentle, and kind heroine of the show. The main character. But she also was a magnate to danger as she shared the same features as... someone. I can't remember who.

"You're so beautiful," she says, her voice cracking. "I promise to always protect you from the dangers of the world."

"We'll even die trying," Damon said from the door. I hadn't even noticed he was there. All I knew is the complete and utter warmth I felt coming from both of them.

"Yes. We will."

I spent that entire morning with my new parents. They talked to me, played with me, fed me, and to my distaste-- changed me. I honestly don't think I'll ever get used to that. I can't wait until I'm potty trained.

Elena began to get me ready for something. She dressed me in what I assume, was a black onesie-dress. I couldn't really tell which color was which, but black was pretty evident. She looked awfully sad, and I don't blame her. She had just been killed in some ritual and brought back to life. That must've been traumatizing.

I guess her and I are on the same boat.

Once she finished getting me ready, she put me back into that horrid carrier and put me in the car. The drive from the Salvatore residence to the destination wasn't that long and the atmosphere was quite sad.

We reached the Gilbert house and Elena brought me to her bedroom. She set up pillows so that I could sit up, and put pillows around the bed just in case I fell. With my set of uncontrollable limbs, I wouldn't put it past myself.

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