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That bath was honestly needed. Like really, really needed. It also made Chishiya's arm less numb which was probably a good sign. Ever since he agreed to participate in Banda's "final game" dark-haired man became a little nicer. Without any complaints he found him towels, took care of his wound, covered it up and brought him food to bed. Not so different from what he's already done but something changed. Definitely.

And while Chishiya believed that guy was a psychopath, it was a little entertaining to see him change his attitude so fast. He seemed authentically cheerful,l ike their personal game was everything Banda could have asked for. Was he that bored? Or was it some kind of a trap, meant to trick Chishiya into, well, something?

He was definitely overthinking it.

Chishiya laid in bed again, staring at the dirty ceiling. His clothes were still wet and he probably shouldn't have let anything else, like blankets, get soaked. Oh well. He started to wonder where Banda even slept. He assumed there was more rooms with usable beds in the hospital but where? And where did he cook food? Chishiya took his time wandering around earlier that day and hadn't spotted any recently used rooms.

He decided to walk some more, trying to get his muscles to work. He needed to be physically prepared before joining the next game. That being said, he should have also decided on where to go. And when. He could possibly wait until the next day with how much time he had left on the visa.

Shit, my hoodie. Where the fuck is it?

Finding the only dry piece of clothing he owned would be ideal. Chishiya went downstairs, and then outside, figuring his hoodie probably stayed near the pond where he took it off last time. With wet clothes he started to shiver, as the sunset brought lower temperature to the Borderland. Sure, let's catch a cold too, why not.

With mind focused on the ground and nearest grass, Chishiya spotted his hoodie fairly quickly. Coming to pick it up, he did register a movement in the pond area with the corner of his eye. Wild animal? A good dinner then, perhaps?

He walked up closer and realized Banda stood in the pond, basically coming out of it, entirely naked. As soon as their eyes met Banda quickly took a few steps back, hiding his body under the water again. Well. Chishiya didn't mean to see as much, and fuck if he cared, but it was a bit awkward especially after not interacting with anyone for a long time.

"Didn't think you'd interrupt me here" Banda said, not breaking the eye contact even for a second. His voice sounded very calm, so Chishiya couldn't figure out what the guy even felt at that moment. Certainly not embarrassement, it seems.

"I left my hoodie here, so I went back for it. You do you." He shrugged but also quickly grabbed his piece of clothing and turned around to walk away.

He didn't want and didn't mean to stare. But he had to admit Banda's body was a little hypnotizing, for the split second he looked at it. Skinny, with slight muscles visible, overall definitely in a good shape. Not that it mattered. Chishiya just liked to observe.

"I assume you're going to leave then?" Banda sounded like he barely held back a chuckle. "Cause it doesn't look like you're in a rush right now."

Chishiya stood there still, turned away from the dark-haired man. Fuck. Did he forget to move his legs or something?

"Just enjoying the sunset. Don't get too excited" he said casually, actually looking up at the sky.

"Enjoy it somewhere else then, will you?" Banda still sounded pretty amused. "And get some more rest, we'll join a game tomorrow. You better not disappoint me, I don't want to see you die before our promised game."

"Why do you want to fight for life with me so bad?" Chishiya turned in his direction without thinking again. Good thing Banda's body remained under the water that time, he wouldn't want to explain his eyes on him again.

"I liked the way you handled the Jack of Hearts game, I guess. And I know you studied my way of playing it too. You enjoyed observing my moves and liked how I manipulated the Jack. And I liked how smart you were. I think we're equal and I just really want to see who gets more lucky at the end. It would be pretty fun."

Chishiya couldn't help but let a smirk appear on his face. Luck, huh. Definitely fun.

"It's all about entertainment for you, isn't it, Banda?"

"Why wouldn't be? Who knows how long will we stay in a world as genius as this one."

"What if I changed my mind?" Chishiya started walking towards Banda again. His steps were slow but confident. "What if I said no to your game and killed you now? Would you scream for help? Or beg for your life like your victims did?"

Chishiya decided to lean forward, in Banda's direction, looking straight into his eyes.

"What would you do if I tried to kill you, Banda?"

The answer wasn't a clear laugh, but rather a sigh, or a muffled sound of amusement.

"I'd like to see that." Banda shook his head. "That would surely be entertaining. But you wouldn't do that. You're not like me. You don't kill, you just survive in the smartest way possible. If someone dies in the way, then it's only because it was necessary. But you're not me, so don't try to be like me. You're not. You don't even enjoy being here."

"Do you?" Chishiya asked, honestly curious.

"Oh, I love it here, mind you."

Roulette // Chishiya x Banda // alice in borderlandWhere stories live. Discover now