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The office building had quite a lot of floors, with most of them too destroyed to be used in any way. Some were in a decent condition, however, creating a perfect space for Yaba to lock Niragi in a small room that most likely used to be a storage. Definitely too tiny for Niragi to even sit comfortably but it wasn't Yaba's concern in the slightest.

"There he is" Yaba said calmly after opening the door.

All three were stood above Niragi who was handcuffed to one of the pipes in the storage room, refusing to make any eye contact. Chishiya had to admit he looked bad - not only his skin suffered from horrible burn damage, he was also bleeding and one of his eyes could barely open. His wounds stained the floor with dark redness, soaking through layers of torn clothes first.

He finally looked up and when seeing Chishiya he let out a short chuckle. Difficult to say if he was actually able to feel amused at that point.

"Of course you'd be here with them. Motherfucker." Niragi spat blood in front of their shoes.

Close shot, but still missed.

Banda glanced at Chishiya wondering if younger wanted him to do something about the situation Niragi found himself in. Chishiya didn't react, refusing to exchange the looks.

"You really piss me off. That pathetic superiority complex of yours" Yaba sighed. "You deserve a painful death, I feel. Any suggestions?"

"Fuck you" Niragi growled in response, not as vigorously as he probably wanted it to be.

Banda tried to study the man's appearance, analyzing how massacred his face already was after what Chishiya had done to him earlier, supposedly. How long had they known each other for? Did they use to be friends? Allies, at the very least?

"We could probably make deeper cuts on his face" Banda suggested, staring at him without a break. "Tie him up and hit repeatedly with something heavy until all the cuts on the face open wider. His skin already looks so rough, let's see how far can this deformation go."

Not necessary, Chishiya thought, standing still with no emotion to his face. Yaba seemed content with the idea while Niragi got quiet, looking down at the dirty floor and his own, destroyed shoes. His legs had bandages wrapped around but they were so loose and tangled they probably didn't protect a single injury of his.

"I'll send you through a meat grinder in the afterlife, you sick fuck" he murmured, pulling the handcuffs strongly but they, quite obviously, didn't want to let go. Niragi visibly had troubles speaking, or breathing, as he kept coughing. Chishiya thought maybe he wouldn't suffer for too long if he was already barely alive.

"The area where we were, at the river" Chishiya suddenly spoke up and looked at Banda. "There was a car abandoned nearby, bunch of blades in the front seat. Like a butcher's van, almost, so you could take a look if you're interested in something new. Practice your aim if you must. I can watch him while you're gone."

"Could do" Yaba replied briefly and nodded towards Banda. "You know the way, I take it."

Banda didn't answer but followed Yaba through the hallway and to the exit. He was still limping yet his walk wasn't as slow as previously, possibly healing well thanks to Chishiya's care. A well bandaged wound didn't bother that much.

Chishiya watched them disappear behind the corner and heard the exit door slam with an echo. That was when Niragi suddenly laughed again.

"I should've gone after you in that forest. What do you expect me to do now? Beg for a quick death while they're away? Forget it" he scoffed, sending Chishiya a look presenting itself as hatred mixed with disgust.

Roulette // Chishiya x Banda // alice in borderlandWhere stories live. Discover now