Forty Two

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He didn't want to act like a middle schooler who had a crush for the first time. And fuck if his brain listened to him sometimes.

Chishiya left his office with a heartbeat so strong it started to hurt. He managed to leave the hospital unnoticed; as much as he wanted to rest after what happened the previous day he felt like he didn't need to anymore. He finally remembered. And they were both back in this world. I feel better than ever.

Being able to completely ignore the hangover Chishiya went to a store and quickly grabbed some food to-go before heading home. Multiple feelings were fighting each other inside his head. Remembering gruesome moments from Borderland wasn't great and neither was the thought of Banda going back to jail. There was a lot of negative emotions he struggled with, and the paradox of feeling so happy because of Banda made him confused. Yet still happy.

Chishiya checked his phone, noticing Kyuma's number already blocked. I'm not mad Sunato touched my phone if that's what he did. Glad he thought about it. He then went to see the new messages, one from his boss about his sickness and four from Banda.

"I want to say it but do delete it afterwards because it's embarrasing."

"It felt nice to fall for you all over again, Chishiya."

"I'm alright with losing my memory if that's what I'll get to experience every time."

"Delete it now though."

Chishiya tried his best not to smile while looking at the phone. He failed.

"Well aren't you a romantic?" He typed a response. Another message from Banda came right after.

"Did you delete my messages yet?"

"Doing it right now."

Chishiya quickly saved the messages as his favorites.

After coming home he took a long, hot shower with the intention of letting his skin forget about Kyuma's touch for good. He tried not to think about what happened anymore, ready to focus on what was important. And there was a lot to be focused on, it seemed.

Chishiya wrapped a towel around his waist and came out of the bathroom, welcomed by cold air. Considering he had no clue about when would his next day off be, he had to be fast. Possibly finish everything by the end of the day.

Phone call one.

"Reiko? Good morning. Yes, I'm alright. You know that patient from our ward, Ryohei Arisu? Yes. I want you to sign me as his doctor starting from tomorrow. Yes. Okay. Thank you."

Phone call two.

"Niragi. Have you found him? Great. Let him be, for now at least. We need as much information about Banda's murders as possible. And? So how much does the police know? Okay. Wait for now, I know, but we need him alive. All good. I can hear Tatta in the background, hi Tatta. Okay."

Phone call three.

"Good morning, sorry to interrupt, I'm doctor Chishiya from the Shibuya hospital. Yes. Your brother, Mr. Banda, has woken up and his condition is stable. Of course. Also, if possible, there is something I'd like to talk to you about, sir. It's urgent. Absolutely. Today? Not a problem. Please send me the details regarding time and place. Yes. Thank you."

Chishiya laid down in bed exhaling loudly. Fuck. My mind hurts. He had to think about all the things that were mandatory to be done if he wanted to help Banda, and it did sound like a lot of work. Not that he could neglect his job at the hospital either. Maybe living in Borderland wasn't that troublesome after all.

Roulette // Chishiya x Banda // alice in borderlandWhere stories live. Discover now