Twenty Eight

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"That acting was pure talent. Not sure they bought it but at least you've done the best you could."

"Well, I had to do something. I wouldn't openly admit I moaned cause I was getting railed while they had a discussion next door, would I?"

They were both sitting in Banda's room, back after spending an entire day with Chishiya's friends. It felt quite nice to have them close again just sitting together, Banda interacting with his friends at least to an accceptable extent. Arisu and Tatta even initiated playing some thoughtless word games, which turned out funny and a bit unexpected. Chishiya observed Banda throughout the day with caution, seeing him feel a bit awkward but otherwise acting normal even around that many strange people. Even if he wasn't engaged in conversations too much he still sat there with them, which brought Chishiya some relief.

"Banda saw me and you the day we parted ways" Chishiya said at some point looking at Arisu. The girls sat on their beds while everyone else sat on the floor in a slightly uneven circle. "He thought you were my boyfriend."

Usagi raised her eyebrows in surprise but Arisu just laughed out loud, sipping on a canned soft drink. He waved his hand like he tried to get rid of an unwanted fly.

"Nah, Banda, you can have him, I'm good. He's all yours." Arisu chuckled and Banda raised his eyes to look him for a second, subtle smile appearing on his face. He then looked away again, watching the colorful sky through the window as the group of friends continued their not-so-important conversations.

Chishiya felt relaxed, trying not to think about the decision he'd have to make soon. Even though he wasn't nearly as energetic as Arisu or Tatta he still enjoyed their company. They all acted as if it was already over, as if they've already won and were just on a wait list to go home. He couldn't experience quite the same feeling with them.

By the time the evening had come and they'd had some food he started to feel a bit tired. Spending a whole day around people wasn't a regular thing for him, in Borderland or outside of it.

Back in their room Chishiya had been slowly pulling on the strings of Banda's guitar, not playing anything in particular. He liked to practice so it felt relaxing, all the candles around them lit up again to set the calm mood. Just a while ago they'd finished cleaning up the room, putting things back on the desk after their unplanned morning sex. Since then Banda had been laying in bed reading a book, while Chishiya remained on his legs with a guitar on his own lap. It was a bit hard to read in a half-dark room but Banda didn't really mind.

Every now and then his eyes traveled up, beyond the pages, and glare at Chishiya's profile as he frowned, focused on the intrsument. He holds it with so much care you could tell he's a doctor. His fingers are moving so precisely.

"I thought you were reading?" Chishiya asked, still focused on pulling the right strings.

"I am."

"Then why do I feel your eyes on me every five seconds?"

"That's definitely a lie, I give myself at least a ten second break before I look again."

Chishiya smirked. He wished all their evenings looked like that. Maybe they could, if he stayed in Borderland. The games part still worried him to the core and he definitely missed the real world but could he eventually get used to living there? Having Banda around would definitely help but the constant worry of his visa expiring sounded tiring if he were to do it for the rest of his life. He also missed his little routine, his family. Borderland was so empty and revolved around nothing but death, having very little to offer besides one charming killer.

"Let's go to sleep" Chishiya suggested and finally put the instrument away. Banda let out a short sigh and got under the covers, waiting for the younger to join. They both changed clothes after coming back into the room, wearing nothing classier than tshirts and sweatpants. Banda's tshirt that Chishiya had put on was rather baggy but he didn't mind if he was going to just sleep in it.

Roulette // Chishiya x Banda // alice in borderlandWhere stories live. Discover now