Twenty Four

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Chishiya stopped at yet another puzzle, his feet burning and his mind getting more and more lost as he spent so much time blindfolded. His body shook uncontrollably, each electric shock contributing to that while he walked through the Maze, not too confident. He was really thankful Banda knew what to do, however, as Hana couldn't get anything right.

It was finally time for the last puzzle in which both of the Helpers could give him clues at the same time. Either a blessing or a complete doom.

"It's like a maze in a maze" Hana pointed out. "And, um, there's a lot of blades hanging down! We can't see the path clearly though."

"The screen only allows us to vaguely see parts of it" Banda added, suddenly worried if Chishiya was going to make it through. They'd only had a few minutes left and it wasn't getting any easier. "Go forward, but slowly."

Chishiya had to be careful and Banda knew his exhausted from electric shocks body would shake every now and then, possibly causing him to get hurt. If Hana wasn't such an idiot earlier maybe he wouldn't have that problem right now.

"Turn left now! I see a safe hallway!" Hana yelled excited.

"It might be just a reflection" Banda said, and Chishiya didn't know how to put their clues in a good use. He didn't want to listen to Hana anymore but Banda didn't give him a different, more certain direction either. He turned left and his body suddenly released a set of spasms, his calf muscles twitching in an unpleasant motion. He lost his balance, a cold, sharp blade leaving a shallow cut on his cheek.

Fuck, he clenched his jaw in pain, too afraid to raise his hand and touch the cut. Hana gasped as if she hadn't caused him more pain just a bit ago.

"Turn like thirty degrees right. Small steps" Banda said, forcing himself to sound confident while his eyes followed Chishiya's pixelized silhouette on the screen. At least one of them had to sound like they weren't going to sink deep into despair.

He made a mistake that time as well; Chishiya's cheek gained another cut that crossed with the previous one, just slightly deeper.

"I'm sorry" Banda murmured, frowning in a worried manner. However tired of pain Chishiya was, it felt interesting to hear Banda apologize, as if he genuinely felt bad. Maybe he did. Chishiya didn't want the killer to think about wounds so unimportant they wouldn't even leave a scar, however. A waste of thought.

"It's okay" he reassured calmly, despite warm blood slowly dripping down his face. Even if looking serious it felt like nothing. "Just tell me where to go next."

They continued, with Hana luckily not speaking much as a pleasant, welcomed surprise. She did yell one more time, almost making Chishiya walk into a wall of blades but Banda stopped the younger man last second, thankfully dodging an actual life hazard. Chishiya made it to the end, adrenaline wearing off almost instantly and he collapsed on the floor with a loud thud and a much quieter groan. Banda couldn't have felt more relieved they survived but skillfully kept his emotions at bay.

Instead he came up to the girl and threw her on the ground without much effort, her head abruptly hitting the floor with a rather unpleasant noise. Banda just watched her slowly lose consciousness, eyelids twitching and mouth fighting to stay closed; it certainly wouldn't have killed her but she deserved a bit of a time-out, according to his humble calculations anyway.

"Congrats on clearing the game" he whispered to mesmerizingly motionless body, locking the door of their Watch Room before entering the main area again. He believed she'd find a way out, eventually.

Roulette // Chishiya x Banda // alice in borderlandWhere stories live. Discover now