Thirty Five

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Chishiya looked around, trying not to seem nervous about the fact he was kidnapping a patient - specifically the one needing a strict supervision. Two other doctors walked past him, not really paying much attention. Good. As soon as Banda got out of the room Chishiya handed him a mask.

"Is it necessary?" Banda asked but put it on as they walked outside. Chishiya forgot the man was limping so they had to move slower.

"You're not only a known criminal but also a sick one. So yes, it would be great if you didn't have your face visible." Chishiya led them to the street. As much as he wanted to avoid the crowds, it was in fact the weekend and a night perfect for everyone to go out and drink. He glanced at Banda, watching his reaction; the man's eyes were wide. Definitely looked like he wasn't outside and around people in a while.

"How does it feel?" Chishiya asked, more out of curiosity than worry.

"Strange. I didn't think I would walk freely again" Banda admitted as the neon lights from multiple bars caused their eyes to squint. "Are we going to drink?"

"You can't drink when sick. So no." Chishiya kept walking forward. It was interesting to watch Banda get so shocked over things they passed, inhaling loudly from time to time. He tried to seem indifferent yet he couldn't hide everything he felt. And Chishiya sensed it was... excitement.

"Are you a fan of computer games by any chance?" he asked when they entered a gaming cafe together. Chishiya used to come there with his college friends sometimes, staying pretty late on weekends. The cafe functioned twenty four hours a day and was large enough for them to find a spot. It was filled with mostly young men, and only one setup was available.

"Not really. Never played" Banda murmured but his eyes curiously followed the lights and buttons in front of him. Chishiya brought another chair and they both took a seat in front of one computer. Now, Mr. Banda, if we get you to develop a new addiction maybe you'll keep your mouth shut more often.

"There's this game I play sometimes. I think you'll like it." Chishiya turned it on and when the game opened the keyboard lit up. Banda blinked curious. "The mechanics are understandable and you won't get lost. See this in the top right? Those are the tasks. Let me start a match and show you what to do."

It was a rather basic game but he had to admit it was slightly addictive. Chishiya himself would often have a sleepless night when he played for hours. He started a match and showed Banda everything he had to do, along with available weapons. Banda's eyes were open so wide and watched so carefully it reminded Chishiya of a hungry cat. Or perhaps someone experiencing video games for the first time.

Chishiya easily went through the match, realizing the players set against him weren't very skilled. His hand moved the mouse pretty quickly and it hypnotized Banda a whole lot. Chishiya could only watch him with the corner of his eye but it was still funny. Good thing he's wearing a mask cause his mouth is probably open right now. Banda's eyes were glued to the screen, his pupils following the character's movement. He stared so hard he didn't realize when his head came closer and lower, his chin eventually resting on Chishiya's shoulder. It made the younger flinch with a surprise but he didn't say anything.

"There. Your turn. I'll help you if you get lost." Chishiya backed off after a won match.

"We smell the same" Banda said suddenly. "I only realized after we sat so close. Do you use the same shower gel or whatever?"

"I... I guess." It was definitely out of pocket and Chishiya didn't know what to say. It was weird he's changed his preferences in just a month, suddenly addicted to tropical fruit scent, and Banda happened to use just the same one.

Roulette // Chishiya x Banda // alice in borderlandWhere stories live. Discover now