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It got intense and bloody. Very quickly.

There were eight people staying alive on the platform, and a few remains of other players, such as cuffed hands, scraps of skin and teeth. Players would slip on those occasionally, making it difficult to focus on dodging the attacks from others. Chishiya knew they only had to eleminate two more people to clear the game.

Banda stopped communicating with him in any way and stayed silent ever since Chishiya nearly made him die. He seemed pissed off, determinated to win but also like he enjoyed that type of pressure. They weren't doing that bad so far. Kind of.

Banda's shirt was partially torn with deep red scratches visible on his chest. Some people really kept their nails long for self defense there, he noticed. Chishiya on the other hand lost bandages on his injured shoulder and had a cut going through his cheek; even that still wasn't so bad comparing to others.

The game lasted a few more minutes, since no one really wanted to give up on their life. The smell of blood spreaded all across the hall, and even though Chishiya was usually used to it, it still made him a little nauseous that time. I'm out of practice, clearly.

And so the game was cleared. Barely.

Handcuffs fell off by themselves and Banda looked at his wrist, with skin in all shades of red and purple. Chishiya had to admit his looked similar.

"We did it. Time to go then?" he asked casually, as if he didn't attempt to let Banda fall down just a little bit ago.

The man quietly nodded in response and they slowly headed back to the hospital. They needed a whole lot of medical equipment for their recent injuries, it seemed.

When inside, Banda came up to the dirty mirror in the hospital room, in order to a look at the scratch marks. Blood was dripping slowly and all the way down so he started cleaning the wounds and disinfect them with what they had available at the moment. Chishiya took off whatever was left from his old bandages; the silence between them was heavier than anything. He's not <actually> mad at me for trying to get rid of them during the game, is he? I'm sure he's done the same before.

"Wanna help me with wrapping it up?" Chishiya asked, pointing at his injured shoulder when he noticed Banda was done with cleaning his wounds.


Banda sat next to him on the bed and  precisely put a new layer of bandages on Chishiya's sore body. He had done it before, just recently, so he knew how to do it right. When he was done, Chishiya intended on breaking the silence by saying he wanted to sleep but then Banda squeezed his injured arm suddenly. Chishiya let out a short scream, air escaping his lungs in surprise.

"You think I'd just forget about that funny act of disobedience?" Banda stared at him with an emotionless face. 

"Disobedience? I'm not your pet."

Chishiya tried to get rid of his hand pressing on the bandages but it only hurt more. Banda shook his head slowly.

"Maybe. But we had an agreement."

"So? You act like people don't do anything to survive here. At the time it seemed like the most tactical move. You can't blame me for an attempted kill if you've gone a step further multiple times already."

Banda suddenly pushed him more on the bed, making Chishiya lay down and blocked his legs with his own knees, hanging right above him.

"You really don't want to give up on my past, do you?" Banda didn't break the eye contact for even a second. His voice sounded cold and he spoke slower than usual. "If you really don't care about our final game, just say it. I don't mind killing you right now. Could be fun actually. There's no point in keeping you alive if you're gonna act like a selfish fuck."

While one of Banda's hands held his wrist, the other one went from injured arm to Chishiya's throat. The grip tightened on his neck for a second then he let it get loose. And again.

"I do care" Chishiya said, having troubles speaking, or breathing for that matter. He panicked a little bit, which didn't happen very often. Banda let go of his throat and his hand came back to his injured shoulder, pressing on it a little more subtly.

"Then quit fucking around. We'll have a chance to kill each other. For now, let's remain partners, shall we? No need to rush, especially since you seem to forget you're the injured one here. If you want to kill me at least increase your chances first."

Banda finally smiled and Chishiya thought he did well, agreeing with him in order to survive right then. His hand was finally free so he put it on Banda's chest, feeling fresh scratch marks from the game. His skin felt so hot, despite wearing a torn shirt that exposed him almost fully. Must be the wounds, hot blood.

"Yeah, let's do that. Now get off me, please." Chishiya slightly pressed on Banda's chest, showing him he wanted him go. The killer finally moved and stood up.

"Sweet. I'll see you in five, come to the hospital's basement. I've got food to prepare."

Banda left the room and only then Chishiya let a deep breath out. He could've died. Still laying on the bed, he stared at the ceiling thinking about how could he possibly make his situation better. It was no use making enemies with Banda, not yet. He should've made him think he was all for it instead. Only then Banda was ready to keep taking care of him and protecting them during games.

Chishiya knew Banda was most likely incapable of human emotions but the killer did admire him visibly. Hence why he took care of him in the first place - they were equal, and so he wanted to grant himself a nice, final battle with an equal. He admired Chishiya so he wanted to see him in action, and possibly even give him his life just because Banda saw him as worthy.

Maybe it was time to start playing Banda's little game. And go one step further too, why not. Chishiya realized Banda had to be an egoist, and admiring him back could've possibly let his guard down a bit. Making him believe Chishiya was impressed. Possibly almost in love. Once blinded, there would be no battle in the end because Banda would be too weak to even launch a hit towards him.

It was like a win-win in every aspect. Grant yourself a protector with food supplies, then make him your puppet until the point when he lets you kill him as you wish. Couldn't get any better.

Roulette // Chishiya x Banda // alice in borderlandWhere stories live. Discover now