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Wanda had worked with Aurora on her powers enough that she was able to endure physical touch without freaking out again. This revelation earned her hugs from every single Avenger. Some multiple times. Aurora was able to start up her training with Natasha again. During the whole "no control" phase, she had been doing exercises on her own, but avoided Natasha or Bucky in the gym.

Sometimes Wanda's words echoed around in her head.

He likes you.

They teased her and made her feel badly about herself, and loose faith that anyone ever would love her like that. Maybe Chris was just a one off. A psychopathic one off.

Sometimes though, the words made the warm feelings inside her bloom. They allowed her to dream. Even if nothing happened in real life, she always had those dreams. Luckily her nightmares had receded a bit too. For a while she'd been having nightmares of accidentally killing innocent people while trying to save them. She was some kind of an Avenger, only in these nightmares, apparently a really bad one.

Aurora got back to Tara about setting up another play date. At first she said she was sick, but then as her self confidence grew and she trusted herself not to harm anyone, she offered for Tara to come over. Aurora didn't exactly look forward to Tara knowing where she lived, and more importantly, who she lived with, but she couldn't hide the truth forever. If Tara was a good friend worth having, she would understand. At least, that's what Aurora told herself.

Due to security measures, Happy would be picking up Tara and her three kids up from their house. Mike was working, so it would be just the four of them, but that worked fine because Happy's car only had five seats. That made Aurora feel relieved because she had an excuse not to accompany Happy on the drive. She was worried to see their reactions. Mostly Tara's, she could guess how the kids would react.

Tara must've guessed by now that Aurora didn't know how to drive. Or at least, she must've known that Aurora didn't like to drive. Honestly, Aurora didn't have anything against driving, and sometimes wanted to learn, but she had been pregnant at sixteen, and home bound for years since then. Now that they were free, she supposed she could ask one of the Avengers to teach her. She was still going through swimming lessons with Bucky though, and she'd rather not try to master every skill she didn't yet possess all at once.

The Avengers had been lectured on now popping down to the pool floor. At most, two could just so happen to walk by sometime during the visit, but nothing more. She also had to make Clint and Natasha swear not to spy of her through the air vents or something, and tell Tony not to have FRIDAY recoding them. He was apparently worried for their safety, convinced the mother of three had a part time job as a HYDRA intern or something. After agreeing to leave FRIDAY enabled on the floor, so Aurora could call out for help if she needed it, but not have her cameras recording, they came to somewhat of an agreement.

Aurora was waiting in the lobby by the car garage. She wanted to greet them at the "door" of her home, like Mike had for her and Olivia. Olivia was by her side, not quite understanding why her mom was nervous to see their good friends, but mostly too excited to think about that.

Olivia had smiled rather widely after asking Aurora if Joey was coming too, and she had said yes. Aurora informed Wanda and Natasha of her suspicions regarding Olivia's crush, but ordered them not to say anything.

Aurora kept the ringer on her phone up so that she could hear if Tara tried to text or call her. Or so that she would know if Tara had freaked out and made Happy drive her back to her house. The time Happy had been set to pick up their friends came and passed. Her phone was silent, which she hoped was a good thing.

Finally she got a notification on her phone from Happy that they'd arrived. That's all he said, not mentioning any reactions or emotions from the group. Just that they were here. Sure enough, moments later, Happy walked through the door followed by Tara and her kids. Tara's eyes were round as she looked around the large lobby before they landed on Aurora.

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