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Lucy's eyes widened in shock. It had all happened within a matter of mere seconds. One minute the twins were facing each other off, then next one of the brunettes fell to the floor.

"No!" Sev yelled in despair.

Lola was kneeling on the ground next to her sister and covered in rushing blood.

Richard had fired his hidden gun at Lola and tried to kill her. Maybe she was sorry. Maybe it was love. Maybe it was pure instinct to protect her twin, her other half. Whatever it was, Lucy dropped her gun and jumped in front of her sister a split second before the bullet pierced skin. Lucy had noticed the Director's weapon at the last possible moment and acted before either of them could even process what any of it meant.

"Lucy?" Lola cried as her bleeding sister began to rapidly loose the color in her face.

"I'm sorry Lola." Lucy managed to mumble before she went still and soon her eyes were no longer staring up at her sister's face with a mixture regret and love.

They were lifeless.

Someone grabbed Aurora's wrists before she could so much as blink after the gun had fired. The soldier put the bracelets back onto her wrists and her abilities had shriveled up and died inside of her. Aurora could do nothing to stop Richard or the soldier that had restrained her power once again. The soldier turned on Sev and before she could blink, fired his gun. At the same time another shot fired.

Two guns echoed. Two shots fired. Two bullets lodged in skin. One dying girl.

The solider's shot at Sev was knocked just the slightest bit to the side as Bucky rammed into him. He hadn't been quick enough to stop the shot with the seven soldiers he'd been taking on at once, but he managed to redirect it just enough that the wound that hit Sev wouldn't be permanent. Sev fell to the floor at the pain in her side but her eyes were watching in agony at the dying girl.

There was a flash of blinding light that was so bright Aurora had to close her eyes for a moment. Then, as quickly as it had come, it was gone. In her last living moment, Lola had erupted and sent the power of the sun flowed through her veins and struck out at Richard and a radius of HYDRA agents around them, killing them instantly.

Lola's blood mixed with her sister's as it poured onto the floor.

"Lola." Sev whispered, reaching out for the seventeen year old.

Her voice was quiet, but Lola seemed to have heard it as she managed to pull one last smile and mutter her last words.

"With my sisters." The smile faded from her face as the life faded from her body.

The Cortez twins had all their differences and feuds and flaws, but they loved each other through it all, perhaps so secretly they didn't even notice it themselves until the very end.

The girls had been born into the world together within minutes and now they died side by side within minutes. It was morbidly poetic and it broke the hearts of everyone around them.

Sometimes sisters didn't love each other like they should. Sometimes one resented the other and hated them while the other loved them despite all of it. Stephanie and Saige.

Sometimes sister's love for each other grew strained. Sometimes one became tainted cold with jealousy and fear while the other felt betrayed and broken by her partner in crime. Lucy and Lola.

Sometimes sister's love wasn't born from blood. Sometimes it was forged by bond as one offered her hand out to the other despite all the chances of more pain and rejection, but they loved each other anyway. Lola and Megan.

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