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"But the real question is... who's going to supervise Olivia's play date tomorrow?" Clint asked.

"Uh, me, obviously." Aurora said.

"Well duh, of course you, but I meant which one of us?" He gestured around to all the Avengers.


There were several outbursts and a long period of protesting.

"Hey!" Aurora interrupted their arguing, "I'm her mom, you're the Avengers. You're going to bring way too much attention to yourselves, and as a result, Olivia."

"Fame is fun!" Tony insisted.

Nobody paid him anything attention. The arguing continued a while longer, but Aurora had put her foot down. If only she'd noticed Natasha's suspicious silence.

The day of the play date came and each Avenger lined up to wish Olivia good luck like they were sending her off to war. Aurora rolled her eyes during Tony's little speech about how "they grow up so fast".

"Are you done being dramatic yet? It's her first play date, not her first battle." Aurora reminded them.

They eventually wrapped it up. Bucky would've joined them in the car as Happy drove, but. He he was, unfortunately, forbidden from coming to drop Olivia and Aurora off that day. Happy would be driving Aurora and Olivia to Tara's house, and picking them up when they were done, per Tony's request. He also suggested that Happy name drop Iron Man if things got boring, but Aurora scolded him.

That afternoon, Aurora arrived to the meeting spot she and Tara had planned out.

"Okay, you remember the plan, Happy?" She asked.

"Yes." He said, sounding bored.

"Okay, so I get in the front passengers seat, Olivia gets in the back, and if anyone asks who you are, you're a family friend, got it?"

"You already asked me that, and the answer's the same. Yes." Happy sighed.

"Great! You're the best, Happy!" Aurora hopped out of the car.

She stood there next to the car in the small parking lot in front of a quaint little bagel shop. A red car with a rainbow "Love is Love" bumper sticker pulled in and parked, Tara's fingered popping out and waving to Aurora.

"Hey!" Tara greeted, bringing Aurora into a hug.

"Hi Tara! Olivia's so excited for this- it's her first play date!"

"Well I better make it a good one then! Want anything storm the shop? Have you guys had lunch?" Tara asked.

After politely declining the offer of bagels seeing how they'd already eaten, Aurora prepared to climb back into the car to follow Tara back to her house.

"Oh! You've got the address I texted you too? I'm case we get separated?" Tara asked.

Aurora patted the phone in her pocket and confirmed.

"See you soon!" Tara smiled, hopping into the red minivan.

Aurora got in the car and Happy began to drive them to Tara's house, tailing her red car. Once they got there, the mother daughter duo climbed out of the car.

"Thanks again Happy!" Aurora smiled.

"Text me if you need to get picked up earlier than 4:30." Happy said.

She grinned at his unintentional expression of caring and agreed. Tara was closeting the door to her car as Happy pulled away.

"Your husband didn't want to stay?" Tara asked curiously.

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