Chapter 1

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My father?

Yeah he's a prick.

Hate his guts. Should've killed him when I had the chance.

You see, I was pretty much alone my whole life because other kids got killed 'cause they weren't built different like I was.

That means there were no girls.

After being out of the white room for around a year, I've acquired a lot of knowledge through mangas and anime.

Personally, I want to experience a harem.

And sex.

Yeah. Definitely sex.

What? I'm a teenager in puberty. That's the least you should expect.

Because of my looks and personality - and dick size - I'm sure I could get as many hoes as I want.

Hence, I'm going to school. ANHS.

Apparently it's some government created school that only elites get into.

There's also no contact with the outside world. That's a bonus.

Yeah anyways, I'm currently sat in a bus and I've already spotted three hot girls. Could you believe my luck?

One with black hair and red eyes. She looks like a yandere and she looks like she doesn't like speaking to people.

The next was a big boobed short haired brunette girl that was cute as fuck.

And last but surely not least was a - woah.

- Author is a certified Honami simp -

Her boobs were massive. It's like there an illegal weapon. She had strawberry coloured hair and looked extremely happy.

Those who look too happy often have the most messed up dirty ass thoughts. I'll catch her lacking eventually.

Just as I was about to relax in my window seat some blonde haired bitch started arguing with brunette girl.

"Why should I give up my seat?" What an annoying prick.

"Because you're in priority seating and it's socially right." Please. That's a good argument but to use it against an entitled prick like him, it would definitely not work.

Let's test out my rizz.

"Yo! I don't mind giving my seat for this poor old lady." What a nice person I am, am I right?

The woman thanked me and so did brunette.

"Ayanokoji Kiyotaka." I put my hand out for her to shake it, of course, she did.

"Kushida Kikyou. Pleasure to meet you." She said. Her voice was a bit too high pitched. Tone it down a little you know.


Just as my luck has it, a piece of her hair was on her face and nearly going into her mouth.

What did I do to you ask?

Have you never seen generic rizz moves?

I gently moved the piece of hair by tucking it behind her ear. As expected, she blushed a little.

I leaned into her ear, "You're pretty damn cute you know?"

Just as I had finished speaking, out of pure luck, the other big boobed girl came along.

"Thanks for what you did back there! It was really nice of you." Ah yes. I'm such a nice person.

I stared at her for a while.

"Are you okay?" She asked, out of concern.

"Ah yes. I was just captivated by your beauty m'lady."

Rizzmaster Kiyotaka alert.

As I expected, her face flushed red.

"Thanks?" She questioned, "I'm Ichinose Honami of Class B!" She happily said after snapping out of her flustered zone.

How cute.

"Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, Class D." I said.

"Oh! I'm class D too Ayanokoji-kun. Let's become great friends!" Second biggest boobs said.

"Friends with benefits would be better." I 'jokingly' said. Her face once again flushed red.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see biggest boobs blush a little.

Be less obvious with your indecent thoughts woman.

Not after too long, the bus journey ended. Thank fuck. I want to meet some more hot girls. Already got two hoes easily, how many more can I get?

I got off the bus and damn was this school big.

"Hey you!" Huh? Was that to me?

I glanced behind my back and babe #3 was coming towards me.

"Yeah whatsup?" I responded casually.

She looked enraged. "Why were you looking at me on the bus?" Oh she noticed that?

"You're too beautiful not to stare," I responded quickly.

She looked like a tomato. Amusing. Was she never usually complimented?

"E-er... Bye." She hastily left the scene.

Bit rude no?

First chapter - bro alr got 3 girls that easily.

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