Chapter 22

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Mid-Terms came around and innitially, my plan was to buy the past years mid-term papers from some poor ass 3rd year from Class D but I decided not to waste my precious money and force the other people in my class to study as hard as they could.

In doing so, everyone got 75+. I don't know how, but they must be scared of me to try so hard.

To be honest, I'd be scared of me too if I wasn't me.

Yeah, I guess we got some academically capable in our class but the rest are just dumbasses.


The first appeared, and as I suspected, we didn't get our points. Stupid motherfucker Sudo. He's allowing me to destroy Class C though, so oh well.

"Sensei! We didn't get our points!"

"Yeah! We got 91 points from the Mid-Terms?!"

I looked over to Sudo in a pissed off way, "Yeah, care to explain Sudo?" I said.

"They started it!" He responded, half shouting at me. He should watch his tone before he gets his head smashed in.

"Shouldn't have roughed them up that badly though." I argued back. He looked confused.

"Huh?! I barely beat them up!"

"Not what it looks like to me." The three boys from Class C obviously faked their injuries. They made them... too over the top. Of course, this is only to make the damages too our class worse.

I'm just gonna flip it around though.

"Ken Sudo, will you please accompany me to the Faculty Office." Good-In-Bed-Sensei said, walking in and giving Sudo the biggest glare ever.

She glanced over to me and I smirked, which caused her to feel relief.


And so, the time of the trial came the next day.

Bladiblah, they went through what happened. I couldn't be there as Vice President since I was speaking for my Class sadly.

I forced Big Tits Bro-con to argue for me 'cause I couldn't be asked so I just told her what to say before hand. To make sure she didn't space out because her brother was there I whispered into her ear before hand.

'Better speak up or you'll get fucked'

She definitely already wanted me though, it's just so she has it on her mind.

Near the end of the arugment, before Pres' decision I spoke up for the first time and his eyes had a spark in them.

"Yosh.. Pres, what'll happen if they're lying?" I asked.

"Suspension, dependant on the lie, expulsion."

I laughed and looked at Ryuuen.

"I have to condemn you, but nice try in attacking my class. You've failed." I turned to the President,

 "Here, I have a video of everything that actually happened and how Class C is lying about who twisted everything said, began the fight and their injuries."

To actually get provoked, plan something out and then loose is pretty funny.

Seeing as they tried so hard to convince the president, wore fake casts to indicate the extent that they'd been 'hurt' and completely flipped the whole situation atleast one of them might get expelled right? The one who instigated the fight and threw the first punch? Even if not, suspension would still have them take a large hit in points. And 3 suspensions? They'd drop to 0. It aint like they have that many points anyway.

And so it happened. The next day we recieved our points and looked at the Class rankings.

Class A 1004

Class B 720

Class C(D) 91

Class D(C) 0

Now how the fuck am I gonna catch up to Class B.

This stupid ass class making me have to work for sex.

No wonder they're defects.

They should have never been born. If only they were put in the white room, maybe they'd be a lil more helpful.

Or they'd just get killed.


Pretty funny.

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