Common Enemy

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It has been a very bad day. I just can't stop thinking about how things keep falling apart mostly because of one rich prick. So, to express myself, I got a sledgehammer and destroyed the construction sign that's up at the playground;

After Lanet and Ariel picked me up, I learned from Lanet that we might just have a common enemy. An enemy that I now plan to steal from.

"Are you out of your mind?" Lanet scolds. I smile at him, baring all my teeth like the lunatic that I am.

He glares at me, "Are you fucken insane?" Is there really a difference between one being out of their mind and being insane?

Lanet's face shifts from anger to shock and then anger again. "You are not stealing from him or I'm reporting you to the police."

I roll my eyes, "I thought that's what you wanted."

"I was hurt and just wanted you to, to you know, face the consequences or something like that. How could you think... oh god."

"Well Lanet, with or without you, I'm going after every single cent he owns. You can thank me when you get your diamonds back."

His eyes bulge out, "You will rot in jail or worse."

I shrug, "I will rot with a smile on my face. Knowing that his wealth will be well spent somewhere else." Jail is the least of my worries, I'm not afraid of it.

I turn and walk into the house, Lanet follows quickly beside me.

"Uh, what's going on?" Ariel looks at me, then at Lanet, then back at me again with confusion on her face.

"Ariel please talk some sense into him, he wants to steal from Ronald Hue, that man isn't very kind." Lanet has a hopeful look on his face as if Ariel is going to side with him on this.

"Beau, what is he talking about?"

A grin grows on my face, "Hope Diamond, 45.52 carats blue stone. Plus the asshole stole it, so technically we're just taking it back."

Ariel shrieks. "So, we're doing it?"

"Fuck Yes." I honestly won't care if Hue finds out it was me, I just want to see the look on his face when he finds out a middle-class shit ass robbed him of most if not all of his wealth.

"You are not doing this. It is wrong!" Lanet tries to reason. I know he has morals and I on the other hand am a different story.

"Oh, I thought you wanted us to steal it for you?" Ariel reminds him.

"That was angry me, this is me me. It's stupid trying to cross that guy." I'm really starting to take offense that Lanet underestimates what we're capable of. I admit to him that I stole his diamond and he suddenly feels like he found me that easily. I wanted you to find me! I want to scream in his face and tell him that. I only stole the Hope Diamond, so he at least had a clue and I didn't put on the hat Nova gave me in hopes he'll see my face and put 2 and 2 together. Does he really think we're that stupid to mess up?

But, I don't tell him that, instead I listen to him as he goes on and on about why the idea is stupid and might backfire, but neither I or Ariel pay him any attention

"Are you guys even listening to me?"

"Yes... maybe," Ariel responds while texting on her phone. Lanet looks like he's going to blow from freaking out.

I can't even tell him I stole something from that prick at the park the other day.

"You don't even know what kind of security he has, or how many people he has ready to hang you if you get caught." he points out.

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