L wanna cuddle🥰(Lance x Apollo)

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Lance pov 

Just a few more hours of studying then l go to bed l said for like the 1000 time but in reality l most definitely won't go to bed since l can't seem to take a break for studying for ever a few minutes so yeah l look up from my book and looked around my studying room it was a complete mess there was god knows how many books and papers all over the room with 15 or 20 empty coffee cups on my large table with lots of books and papers l was currently walking between two large books and writing down sufft l was so focused on studying l didn't even notice someone walk into the room 

Apollo: hello Lance

L tuned my head around after hearing Apollo happy saying hi

Lance: oh umm hi Apollo 

L said to him quickly turning my attention back to the books 

Apollo: umm Lance how long you been studying?

L stopped for a few seconds soon 

Lance:.....l actually forget 

L said as l looked back at the books 

Apollo: Lance you need to take a break 

Lance: yeah l do thet later 

L said not taking my eyes off the book then l felt two arms go around my waist 

Apollo: hey Lance can we cuddle for a bit 

Lance: what then----no

Apollo: please

L looked at his face and he was given me the puppy eyes

Lance: (hhhh) just for a few minutes 

Just a second after saying thet he grabbed my arm and begin walking me to my bedroom after a few minutes we were in my room

Lance room 

L walked to the side next to the window and sat on the bed after just 30 seconds l feel hand on my shirt and pushed me back on the bed and he wept one of his arms around my waist and use his other hand to pat my head 

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L walked to the side next to the window and sat on the bed after just 30 seconds l feel hand on my shirt and pushed me back on the bed and he wept one of his arms around my waist and use his other hand to pat my head 

Lance: was this you plan to get me to stop studying😑

Apollo: yep

He said very happy 

Lance: you died once this is over

Apollo: mmm ok 

L just layered there as he cuddle with me 

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