Chapter 1

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SAKURA WALKED OUT FROM the outskirts of the forest. She smiled as it felt like the forest's energy was reaching out for her as she left. She decided not to henge this time. She had a spare travelling kimono in a sealing scroll in her bag, after all — she was visiting Suna until she got kidnapped.

She got looks as she walked through the paths of the village. She looked down, hiding a small smile. In Konoha, she noticed at the age of 16 — men and women would look at her with blushes on her face, some would ask her on dates and others would ask for her hand at the age of 18, and was always praised for her looks along with Ino.

She walked up the small hill of Encanto and high fived who she saw was Camilo, due to him shapeshifting in to her, giving her a high five. She walked into Casita, looking around with a small smile on her face, ignoring people staring at her as she watched some kids dance and cheer.

She smiled as she saw a beautiful lady with silky black hair, a purple dress and amazing skin, she was dancing and threw flowers at the people watching her — clapping with a smile. It seemed the lady noticed her and Sakura felt something land on her head, she grabbed it and smiled at the cherry blossom flower crown.

She sent Isabela a smile, who returned it before continuing dancing as Sakura placed the crown on her head. She watched everyone have a great time. Dancing, eating, chatting and just having fun over all as they wait for Antonio's ceremony.

When it was time, everyone crowded around the stairs where Sakura guessed Alma stood, with a candle in her hand as the crowd left a pathway to the stairs for Antonio. Alma turned to the audience. "Fifty years ago, in our darkest moment. This candle blessed us with a miracle." Alma  started, smiling at everyone with a sad smile.

"And the greatest honour of our family has been to use our blessings to serve this beloved community. Tonight, we come together once more as another steps into the light to make us proud." Alma said, and it was quiet and tense for a moment as everyone turned to the curtains, where Sakura sensed a small child behind.

The curtains opened and everyone cheered as she guessed Casita, made a red 'carpet' out of the floor tiles. Sakura still couldn't get over the fact they had a magic house. She wanted a magic house... anyway! The spotlight shines on Antonio who looked like he wanted to crawl under his bed and hide there for the rest of the night.

She watches as Antonio gestures for someone behind the curtains and raised an eyebrow as Mirabel came out but smiled. If Sakura was in Antonio's position, she would have passed out at that age — embarrassingly. — she would be clutching onto Ino like a koala.

She watches as Mirabel and Antonio make it down the little aisle, walking upstairs. She noticed Alma's face had dropped slightly when she saw Mirabel but masked it with a smile. She noticed Mirabel looked like she wasn't fully there.. like she was remembering something. Sakura frowned slightly but continued to watch as Antonio reached for his door, grabbing the handle after swearing he would help the community.

A toucan landed on his arm, making her smile. She loved animals. "I understand you!" Antonio said and Sakura scoffed in amusement. He can speak to animals. A bunch of animals appear in the Casita. She giggles slightly as a ferret crawls up onto her shoulder, snuggling into her neck, making Sakura grin.

She follows everyone upstairs to Antonio's magic room. "It's bigger on the inside!?" A kid exclaimed in shock, making Sakura slightly nod in slight amazement and agreement. She would have to ask Naruto if he could make her a room like this, he's the seal master after all. She's good at seals, but not as good as Naruto.

She smiles in concern as Antonio races around his room on a giant tiger, jolting slightly a few times when he would fall or could potentially die. Her medic side resisted the urge to go check on Antonio for injuries. Sakura frowned as they go to take a family picture. Where was Mirabel..?

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