Chapter 2

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SAKURA SHIFTED ON THE tree branch she was sleeping on. She always loved the forest, and the trees. She always felt it calling out to her. She opened her eyes and raised a hand to block the sun shining through the leaves. She sits up, stretching and letting out a satisfied sigh as her back cracked.

She looked at Encanto, to see it bustling with villagers. She hummed and looked at the sky. It seemed to be about 1pm. She overslept. 'Wonderful.' She thought sarcastically before grabbing a toothbrush from her travel pack and tooth paste and her canteen of water.

She started brushing her teeth as she walked to a nearby river and when she finished, she spat the toothpaste in the river. She wiped her mouth and went back to her tree branch. Quickly brushing out her hair, she grabbed her stuff and walked into the town of Encanto.

She heard the shouts of villagers, requesting some. "Luisa! Can you reroute the river?" "Luisa the donkeys got out again!" "Luisa can you deliver these to the market?" Sakura frowned, this Luisa seemed to be packed with work. She saw a tall buff girl — arguably more buff than Killer Bee! — who responded with "on it!"

Sakura decided to try help and ran over to Luisa. "What do you need done?" Luisa asked and Sakura furrowed her eyebrows. "Want some help?" Sakura asked and Luisa stopped, looking at her. "Uh... sure." Luisa said, slightly unsure. "Can you deliver those crates to the market?" Luisa asked, pointing at a few crates. "Sure!" Sakura smiled.

She jogged over to the old woman, who tilted her head at her. "I'll deliver these crates for you." Sakura said and the woman smiled slightly, albeit unsure. "Are you sure honey? They look quite heavy. Leave it to Luisa." The woman said, waving her hand. "Im sure.!" Sakura smiled, before picking up the three crates effortlessly.

The woman widened her eyes as Sakura turned to her, the crates in her hands. "Where to?" Sakura asked and the woman snapped out of it. She lead her through the town and into the market. "Just here." The woman said, pointing outside another shop. Sakura placed them down and clapped her hands together, ridding them of any dust.

"Is that all?" Sakura smiled, tilting her head. "N-no. Thank you!" The woman said, and Sakura bowed. "Bye Miss!" She said, jogging away from the bewildered woman. She ran through the market, trying to find Luisa. She bumped into someone — very hard. Sakura didn't budge but the person was sent flying to the ground.

A crack rung out and Sakura widened her eyes as the slight shout of pain. She looked down, seeing Mirabel and cursed. "Mirabel! Are you okay?" Sakura asked, checking her over. 'A broken arm.. shit!' Sakura thought. She looked around, seeing if anyone noticed as Mirabel let out another groan of pain. She had landed on her arm funny and broken it.

She picked up Mirabel and jumped away, onto a nearby roof and placed Mirabel down. 'I have to heal her. I don't know where Julieta's stand is and I don't want to go, I just broke her daughters arm.' Sakura thought, moving Mirabel onto her back and leaning her up against a chimney.

"Hey, Mirabel. Look at me." She said to the girl, who looked at her. She had small tears of pain in her eyes as she clutched her broken arm. "I'm going to do a magic trick. But you can't tell anyone. Okay?" Sakura asked and Mirabel shakily nodded. Sakura brought her hands to Mirabel's arm, but the girl flinched. "I won't hurt you." Sakura reassured.

A green glow showed up on Sakura's gloved hands, making Mirabel widen her eyes as she watched Sakura heal her arm in a matter of seconds. She hesitantly moved her broken and and widened her eyes, feeling no pain. She swings it around and chuckles in disbelief. "You have magic?!" Mirabel asked, looking at Sakura.

"Uh.. I'm a ninja not a magician." Sakura said, scratching her cheek sheepishly. "What else can you do?!" Mirabel asked, stars in her eyes. "Uh.. I can show you later? But why the rush through town?" Sakura asked, tilting her head. "Oh, I'm going back to Casita." Mirabel said, sweating slightly.

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