Chapter 3

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"NO, NO, NO!" PEPA SHOUTED, her arms raised to the candle as the cracks aim for it. "The candle!" Felix shouted as the window for the candle broke slightly, knocking the candle over. They all grunt as the floor shakes. "Sakura, help me up there!" Mirabel shouted and Sakura nodded as they ran forward. "Casita! Get me up there!" Mirabel said.

Sakura boosted Mirabel up as she grabbed the railing, quickly climbing up Casita and trying to get the candle. Isabela and Camilo run after Mirabel, trying to save her and the candle. Sakura quickly grabbed the, when they fell down, their powers disappearing.

She carried them to the other family members and looked up at Mirabel. "Come on kid.." Sakura muttered. The family get thrown out but Sakura jumped over the moving floor. "Mirabel?! Mirabel?!" Julieta shouted after her daughter in fright before getting thrown out of Casifa with the others. "Mirabel! You have to get out!" Augustin shouted.

She heard a smash and jumped on the roof of Casita, seeing some of the wall trying to be broken. She saw a hand break out and quickly punched the wall, helping who ever was in the walls out. She raised an eyebrow, seeing Bruno with a bucket on his head. They both looked up at Mirabel and Sakura cursed as Bruno's tower started to fall.

She jumped inside, placing her hands against the stairs of Casita as she shields Mirabel. She looks down at Mirabel who clutched there candle close to her. A bunch of rubble falls against Sakura's back as she sends healing chakra there so she would be fine. Mirabel looked up at her and gasped as a bunch of rubble, boulder sized pieces were on Sakura's back as the pink haired girl spat out blood to the side, she grinned down at Mirabel reassuringly as the tower stopped falling.

"You did great, shannaro." Sakura grinned as blood ran down her mouth and body. She let out a shout of pain as Mirabel shouts Sakura's name in concern. Julieta quickly came over and gasped at what she saw, tearing up and placing her hands to her mouth.

Sakura was supporting herself with the stairs which were placed up like a wall, she was over Mirabel and grinning down at her with blood running down her mouth and face, a piece of rubble the size of a boulder was on her back, shielding Mirabel from any danger.

Sakura was thankful for her enhanced strength at this moment, or Mirabel could've died. "Help!" Julieta shouted to the others, which quickly scrambled over. Sakura turned her head slightly, looking at the Madrigals, who stared at Sakura and Mirabel bewildered.

"Mirabel.. move.." Sakura said, and the girl scrambled out from under Sakura, clutching the candle. Sakura shoved the boulder off herself and sent healing chakra to her back. Healing it slowly. Isabela quickly ran over and caught Sakura who fell over slightly.

Normally, Sakura could walk away from something like this but she was just exhausted, she never fully recovered all of her chakra from the fight with Kido. That explains it. "H-Hey! You'll be fine I promise!" Isabela said, clutching Sakura close to her chest.

Mirabel managed to slip away without anyone noticing until Sakura pointed it out. "Where's.. Mirabel.?" Sakura asked and people looked around, shouting her name. Isabela held Sakura close as Sakura coughed slightly. "I'll be fine." Sakura said as her injuries are nearly fully healed. "Find Mirabel." Sakura said and Isabela hesitated. "Go!" Sakura said and Isabela nodded, settling her against some rubble before running off to find her sister.


No one could find Mirabel. So Sakura decided to rest up and gain her chakra reserves back fully and find Mirabel herself. So she woke up, borrowed a horse from the villagers and immediately set off. She spread her chakra, searching for Mirabel.

She was a good kid and if she left Encanto, Sakura would have to go with her.She wouldn't let Mirabel leave the Encanto without her, Mirabel could die. So when Sakura spread her chakra across the entire Encanto. Mirabel was nowhere to be found, it means..

Mirabel Madrigal had left Encanto.

Sakura cursed and immediately rode back to the fallen Casita, finding most of the Madrigal's there, making plans to find Mirabel. "Mirabel has left Encanto." Sakura voiced as she got off the horse, making the Madrigals turn to her. "What?!" Isabela demanded. "Mirabel has left Encanto." Sakura repeated. Isabela stormed up to her and grabbed the girls collar.

"Y-You have to be lying!" Isabela shouted. Sakura understood what was happening. She got a lot of reactions like this from her patients family or friends when they couldn't be saved. "I'm not lying." Sakura replied and Isabela clenched her fists, hitting Sakura's chest lightly. "You're lying, lies, lies lies!" Isabela said, hitting her with every word as Sakura sighed.

She pulled Isabela into her arms as the girl silently cried on her shoulder as the Madrigals realised the weight of what Sakura meant. It hit them like a ton of bricks. They had lost Mirabel Madrigal. She had left the Encanto. She was gone. She could be dead by now!

"I'll search for her." Sakura said, making everyone turn to her once again in shock. "Y-you're going to leave the Encanto?" Dolores asked, bewildered. Her voice barely above a whisper. "I've got experience. If I find Mirabel, I'll bring her back." Sakura said. "But it's dangerous out there!" Pepa protested.

"I'm a traveller. I don't think you guys realised, but I'm not from the Encanto. I'm an outsider." Sakura said and some of them gasped. "How did you get inside of the Encanto?" Alma asked, stalking forward slightly. "That's the thing, I was in a fight before I got sent to this place. If I can find my hometown, I can find reinforcements and hopefully send out a search for Mirabel." Sakura replied and Alma sighed, dragging a hand down her face.

"Let her go." Alma said and immediately all Madrigals protested. "Quiet! This might be our only chance to get Mirabel back! I've already screwed up once, and I won't screw up again because we don't have the guts to leave Encanto!" Alma snapped, rubbing her temples. "Sakura, be safe on your journey." Alma said as Sakura smiled at her, letting go of Isabela.

"I'll be safe. Don't worry about me." Sakura smiled. "I'll get some food for your journey." Julieta said, scurrying away into the village. They had been temporarily living in a medium sized house in the village which was free. "I'll hopefully have her back by the time Casita is finished." Sakura said and Luisa stepped forward.

"Promise..?" Luisa asked, her lip quivering. "Promise." Sakura smiled and Luisa engulfed Sakura into a hug, squeezing her. Sakura chuckled slightly and hugged back. "I'll bring your baby sister back, I promise." Sakura replied. She quickly helped cleaning up Casita with the rubble before Julieta came back with a travel bag, which was quite big.

"I've filled this with the necessary foods, water canisters and other rations for your journey, but please. Sakura, be safe." Julieta said, placing a hand on Sakura's cheek. Sakura unconsciously leaned into the touch. She hadn't felt a mothers touch in a long time.

Her mother didn't support Sakura's dream so they didn't talk much. Tsunade was like Sakura's second mother but she is not around as she was when the woman was Hokage. "I'll be safe." Sakura replied, giving Julieta a smile before walking over to the horse. She hauled herself up and looked at the Madrigals. "I hope to see you all soon." Sakura smiled before waving. She hit the horse tacks and took off into the forests, aiming for the cracked mountain of Encanto.

It took a couple hours to get out of the Encanto. But she managed. She ventured through the forests. "Mirabel?!" She shouted into the woods. The girl couldn't have gone too far. She didn't have a horse, just the clothes on her back and her will to run. Sakura just hoped the girl was okay.

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