Chapter 8

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SAKURA HIT A FEW nails into the wooden boards. Casita was nearly fully rebuilt. She jolted as her ladder shook, she looked down at Camilo with a stink eye. "Be careful you brat!" She shouted, waving her hammer at Camilo who jumped. "Sorry!" He shouted, before zoning out, staring at something.

Sakura followed his gaze, seeing a girl about Camilo's age, strolling past with a basket of pasteurise, handing them out to hard working villagers helping rebuild Casita. Sakura smirked, jumping down next to Camilo and throwing an arm around his shoulder. "She's pretty, what's her name?" Sakura asked.

Camilo jumped, startled. "Huh? What? Who?" Camilo said, trying to play it off. Sakura deadpanned, making Camilo sigh. "That's Ashley.. she owns the Encanto's local bakery. She's pretty, kind, smart." Camilo smiles, staring at the girl who smiled at a man who carried a wooden beam.

Sakura whistled. "My boy's got a crush." Sakura squealed, ruffling Camilo's hair. He shrieked. "Not the hair!" He said, swatting her hand away. She snorted. "Go talk to her." She said, nudging him forward. "What?! Are you crazy?! I'm lucky to even see her. All the boys my age in the village have a huge crush on her, I'm no different! What if I make a fool out of myself?" Camilo whined.

"You won't, don't worry 'milo. Your honorary best friend has got your back." Sakura grinned, throwing an arm around his shoulder. "Now, if you speak to her, don't be creepy. Give her a wave, maybe a smile, find something to talk about. You like food, talk about the bakery. There's a start." Sakura whispered to Camilo, who absorbed the information like a sponge.

"Now, don't act uninterested. That cool, laid back, 'I don't care' attitude that girls supposedly 'die for'. News flash, no girls like that. They like to be cared for, appreciated. They like compliments on little things." Sakura continued and Camilo looked at her. "What little things?" He asked.

"Like, tell her you like her eyes, her smile. Her hair looks nice to day. Small compliments like that have great effects. You're a charming, young boy Camilo. Use it to your advantage. Don't be a douche though, or I'll find Tia Julieta." Sakura threatened, making Camilo shiver. An angry Julieta is the devil in disguise.

"But don't compliment her too much, it'd be creepy. Be subtle but sincere about it." Sakura continued, as they look at Ashley. "But what if she won't talk to me?" He asked and Sakura smirked. "I got a plan, 'Milo. Just walk up to her and be ready." She said and Camilo took a deep breath, before nodding.

Sakura patted his back. "Atta boy, go get her." She grinned, pushing him forward. He smiled back, before walking over to her. Sakura watched as Ashley went to walk forward, as she had not seen Camilo who was a few steps away. Sakura used her chakra strings to make Ashley fall.

Like planned, Camilo caught her before she could fall. But the pastry's fell. Camilo looked at Sakura who winked at him before walking away. He smiled before looking down at Ashley and helped her pick up the fallen pastries, starting to converse with the pretty baker girl.

"So, you're a wing woman now?" She heard Mirabel's amused voice from above. She looked up, seeing Mirabel with her arms crossed at a window, looking down at her. She leaned back as Sakura jumped up, grabbing parts of the house and climbed up before reaching the window. She hadn't used her chakra for a while, so she wouldn't.

"I guess you could say that." Sakura smiled, sitting on the window sill. "You're a good one." Mirabel smirked, gesturing to Camilo and Ashley who walk around Casita, arm in arm. Sakura smirked. "All according to plan." She said, before giving Mirabel a fist bump which was returned.

"So, Casita should be fully rebuilt in a few days, are you excited?" Sakura asked, looking at Mirabel. "I am." Mirabel smiled, making Sakura smile back.

"SAKURA!" A voice shouted and Sakura looked down, seeing Pepa. Sakura raised an eyebrow, giving Mirabel an apologetic smile before dropping down in front of the woman. "Hey Pepa." Sakura smiled. "What's up?" She asked, tilting her head.

"I heard you set up Camilo with the baker girl." Pepa narrowed her eyes, crossing her arms. Sakura blinked and nodded. Pepa beamed. "Why didn't you tell me?! Come on!" Pepa said, dragging her away by the wrist.

For the rest of the day, Pepa dragged around Sakura, forcing the girl to help spy on her son. True bonding.

. . .

Casita was finished, Mirabel walked up to the door and placed the doorknob, which the family had got custom made — into the hole handle of the door. Suddenly, it glowed and Sakura smiled as Casita once again was alive.

"Come on!" Dolores and Isabela literally drag her into the house with them.

She saw Camilo and Ashley walk in together and smirked.

Isabela immediately painted her dress with dye and made all exotic plants appear around Casita. Sakura sent Chakra to Dolores' ears after the near sensory overload the girl got from suddenly getting her gift back. "Honestly, I was kind of happy my gift was gone for a bit. It was like a break." Dolores whispered to Sakura.

"I can get rid of your gift permanently. But I dont think you would want that." Sakura frowned, sending more medical chakra to Dolores' eardrums. "You can do that..?" Dolores murmured.

"Yeah, I can mold your powers slightly. I can try make it so you can turn off your gift whenever." Sakura offered and Dolores nodded.

"I'll do it after your family photo, ne?" Sakura smirked, pushing Dolores towards the family photo and watched. Until the floorboards move underneath her. "Woah!" She shouted slightly as she was moved towards the Familia Madrigal.

"Uh.." Sakura blinked, confused. "Come on, Sakura! You're family too!" Pepa waved her over and Sakura nodded slightly as she was squished between Pepa and Camilo.

"Everyone, together!" Alma started. "La Familia MaDRIGAL—!" They all shouted in surprise and laughter as Casira moved the floorboards to mark the photo funny.

Sakura laughed, this place wasn't so bad after all.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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