Chapter 4

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SAKURA HAD BEEN TRAVELLING for nearly two weeks. And she still couldn't find Mirabel. She had sent out her hawk summonings, which she shared with Sasuke to communicate, to find Mirabel. She got some leads and everytime Mirabel managed to slip through her fingers.

Sakura had to admit, Mirabel was a slippery one. It was almost impressive Mirabel could evade her. Not even Kakashi could evade her as well as Mirabel. She had nearly caught Mirabel a few times, but when she got close, she vanished like the wind. Sakura was frustrated by this, but it also seemed Mirabel wasn't doing it on purpose.

She sat against a tree trunk as her horse was resting in the sun on its stomach, almost like a dog. One of her summons flew down from the sky, she held out her arm. "There had been rumours from other birds a person who has the same description as Mirabel is in the nearby town." Her hawk said, pecking her hand affectionately.

"Thank you, rest well now." Sakura said as her hawk bowed his head, puffing into smoke. "Nearby village huh? Maybe you won't slip away this time, Mirabel." Sakura hummed, adjusting her white button up shirt. Every since she had been travelling, she realised she needed more clothes for her travels and went to other villages and got her needs.

She might have stolen some but that was only for her to know. Right now, she looked like a cowgirl. Ino would've laughed at her but Sakura kind of liked the style. It was definitely suited for the weather. It was boiling where she was now, she felt like melting.

 It was boiling where she was now, she felt like melting

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(Without the gun.)

She got weird looks when she would ride into a village wearing her normal kunoichi attire, but when she rode into a village looking like a cow girl, it was normal.? Sakura thought it was weird. She got onto her horse and hit the horse racks, immediately setting off into the nearest village, determined to find Mirabel.

They dodged trees and rocks before seeing a village in the distance. She grinned as they made it. She hopped off her horse and led him through the village, ignoring villagers stares. She asked around for a girl named Mirabel and was pointed in a direction of a house.

She thanked them before walking to the house, tying up her horse to the fence with a pat on the snout before walking to the front door, knocking on it. "Coming!" She heard a voice and the door opened, revealing the person she had been searching day and night for two weeks.

Mirabel Madrigal.

"Hey Mirabel." Sakura grinned, crossing her arms as Mirabel widened her eyes, looking around outside before dragging Sakura inside. "How did you find me?" Mirabel asked, crossing her arms. "You're a slippery one Mirabel." Sakura said, picking up a small wooden owl of a shelf, inspecting it.

"Thanks..? Why are you here?" Mirabel asked. "Ouch, it's almost like you don't want me here." Sakura said, placing the owl back and placing a hand in her heart. Mirabel sighed and rolled her eyes. "Answer the question." Mirabel said and Sakura put her hands up in defence. "I've come to take you home." Sakura said and Mirabel shook her head.

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