Chapter 6

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ITS BEEN THREE WEEKS since Sakura found Mirabel. She has taught the girl how to debone animals, set up campfire, throw Kunai, throw a good punch and how to survive in the wilderness. The girl was improving drastically and Sakura was impressed with her progress.

Sakura and Mirabel smiled as they saw the broken mountain of Encanto. The horse raced up and made it through the giant split of the mountain. "Wait, before we go to Casita.. can we go somewhere?" Mirabel muttered and Sakura nodded, switching places with Mirabel on the horse.

Mirabel hit the tacks and they took off. They travelled for a while till they made it to a pond. Sakura sat on the horse as Mirabel got down, sitting by the pond and looking around. Footsteps caught their attention and they look over, seeing Alma. The old woman widened her eyes seeing them and raced over. "Mirabel! Sakura!" Alma said, engulfing Mirabel in a hug, which startled Mirabel but she returned it.

"I told you I keep my promises, Alma." Sakura smiled as Alma returned it, pulling away from Mirabel. "I'm so sorry Mirabel." Alma said before continuing to talk as Sakura zoned out. "I feel like I've missed something important.."mShe heard a voice say and looked over, seeing Bruno.

She raised an amused eyebrow before the three came over. Mirabel helped Alma on the horse and herself and Bruno got on. "You all ready?" Sakura asked, looking back at them. She got nods and confirmations. "Let's go!" She grinned, hitting the horse tacks and pointedly ignoring Bruno's shriek as they ride down the mountain.

They jumped over a tree branch and dodges rocks and roots before making it to Encanto. They rode through the town as the bells ring and children shout about how Mirabel was back. They made it to the outside of Casita, which was about half built. Sakura smiled and got down. She helped Alma down as well as Bruno and Mirabel.

"Mirabel?! Mirabel?!" They heard Julieta and looked over, seeing Julieta appear from the side of Casita, shouting Mirabel's name. It seemed she got the news. "Mama.." Mirabel said as they ran to eachother, crashing eachother into a hug as Bruno hides. "Ay mi amor, I was so worried..we couldn't find you. Never run away again." Julieta said, a silent tear running down her face as Sakura checks over Abuela, it was a crazy horse ride down here.

Augustin comes in. "There were bees everywhere." He said before engulfing his daughter into a hug, making her chuckle and hug back. The rest of the family ran from their spots, engulfing Mirabel in hugs or saying their greetings, Isabela giving her a scolding about leaving before glomping her sister into a hug.

Sakura stretched slightly. Mirabel started singing about the house as Sakura's horse laid down on the ground. She sat down next to her horse, leaning against it and closing her eyes, drifting off. She would let the family have their moment of having Mirabel back. At least she would get a nap. She jolted as the singing of the villagers. She looked up and saw basically the whole village walking towards them.

She rubbed her eyes and stood up. Okay, maybe she wouldn't nap for a while. Suddenly, the wind was knocked out of her and a pair of arms engulf her into a hug, clutching her. She looked down, seeing Isabela clutching her tightly. "Thank you, thank you so much.." Isabela said, digging her face into Sakura's chest as the pink haired girl blushed.

"I- uh.. It- it was nothing.." Sakura stuttered, scratching her cheek with her index finger. Isabela pulled away slightly, still holding Sakura's arms as she looked at her face. Isabela just smiled at her as Sakura got more red, avoiding eyecontact. "Let's go help the others!" Sakura blurted, grabbing Isabela's hand and dragging her to the Casita, ignoring her laughs.

Sakura carried a beam, ignoring some of the grown men who gaped at her. They had to get two men to carry one beam while Sakura carried it on her shoulder effortlessly. "Where do you want this?" She asked one of them who stammered for a moment before pointing to the second floor which had barely any walls.

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