Chapter 7

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SAKURA LAID ON THE grass outside of Casita. She groaned. "How do these people survive this heat?" Sakura said, annoyed. She was in a white t-shirt and shorts, and her ninja boots. "Screw this.." Sakura muttered, taking off her shirt and folding it behind her, making a pillow. Leaving her in shorts and a sports bra.

She closed her eyes. 'Perhaps instead of being pale I'll actually get a tan.' Sakura thought amused. Sakura was always pale, every time she would try to tan, it didn't work. It was like she had some sort of immunity to the sun. Being in Encanto might break that record though.

"You're ripped." She heard a voice and peeked one eye open, seeing Camilo. "Hello to you too." She joked, patting the spot next to her, gesturing for him to sit. "Oh, sorry. Hello!" Camilo said and Sakura snorted. "So, what's up?" She asked and Camilo shrugged. "Just wandering around, helping out a bit." Camilo replied.

"How are you in thick pants, a button up shirt and a rauna! Im dying over here!" Sakura said, fanning herself with her hand making Camilo snort. "You get used to it." He said and Sakura huffed. "I hope I get used to it in at least an hour or I might melt." Sakura said and Camilo chuckled.

"So, how are you so ripped?" Camilo asked. "Why? Taking notes?" Sakura smirked and Camilo laughed. "Im a scrawny boy, might as well start somewhere." Camilo replied and Sakura hummed. "How come you never ask Luisa?" Sakura asked and Camilo sweats slightly.

"Because if I tried even 5 minutes of her workout regime, I might die." Camilo said and Sakura raised an eyebrow. "It can't be that bad." Sakura said and Camilo scoffed. "I'd like to see you attempt it." Camilo said and Sakura hummed. "What's her regime?" She asked.

"Before I tell you that, do you think you could lift a church?" Camilo asked jokingly. Sakura raised an eyebrow. "Uh yeah..? Why?" Sakura asked and Camilo's eyes nearly bugged out of his head. "You have to be joking." He said, disbelief evident. "I thought you could only lift boulders!"

During the Pein attack, Sakura had to do a lot of construction work, helping building houses etc. sometimes the houses would tip or need moving, so Tsunade helped hone sakura's strength so she could lift houses with relative ease. She could destroy a mountain with little difficulty.

"Alright, get up." Camilo said, grabbing her arm. "Okay." Sakura said, confused and grabbed her shirt. She threw it over her shoulder and let herself be dragged by Camilo into the village. Multiple houses were tilted slightly due to Encanto breaking. "Fix these." Camilo said, crossing his arms. "Is this a test or something?" She asked and Camilo shrugged, nodding.

She went around, pushing houses back into place. Camilo watched with wide eyes and she effortlessly moved houses with no more than a small grunt. When she finished, Camilo grabbed her wrist.

"Nope, nope nope nope." He said, dragging her somewhere else making Sakura grow an irk mark. "Stop dragging me around!" She shouted, hitting his head making him shout in pain. "Ow!" He muttered, rubbing his head. "Stupid pink demons with stupid strength." Camilo muttered under his breath.

"What did you say..?" Sakura said menacingly, cracking her knuckles as her hair shadowed her eyes. "W-WAIT!" Camilo said, waving his arms around. Sakura took a step forward and that was all Camilo needed for him to bolt. "GET BACK HERE!" Sakura shouted, chasing him back to Casita.

"ISA SAVE MEEEEE!" Camilo said, running to the closest Madrigal, hiding behind her. "Huh?" Isabela said, before seeing an angry Sakura running towards them. She widened her eyes and switched her gaze between Camilo and Sakura. Isabela put herself in a defensive position.

Sakura literally tackled them both, making both Madrigals shriek as they rolled across the grass. Camilo bolted as Isabela quickly held Sakura down. "Hey! Hey!" Isabela said, making Sakura look at her and huff. "Let me at him!" Sakura said and Isabela scoffed. "I'd like to keep my annoying primo." Isabela said, straddling Sakura so she wouldn't move.

"Get off me." Sakura groaned. "Nope, you're actually quite comfy." Isabela grinned, a little feral as she sat on Sakura's lower stomach. Sakura huffed, staring at the clouds above as her hands were pinned above her by Isabela. "You know, if you really wanted to get close to me, you could have asked." Sakura smirked, leaning closer to Isabela's face.

Isabela raised an eyebrow. "Who said I wanted to be close to you?" Isabela said, a challenging look in her eye as she keeps eye contact with Sakura. "You don't have to say it.. I can see it." Sakura whispered before smirking and switching their places in a flash, making Isabela gasp.

Sakura laughed and winked at the stunned girl before standing up and running away, going to find Camilo. Isabela sat up, dazed for a moment. "You good there Isa?" Mirabel asked from the top of the over half built Casita, a knowing grin on her face. Isabela grew an irk mark. "Shut up Mira!" She said, waving her fist angrily at Mirabel who snorted.


Sakura raised an eyebrow at a struggling Julieta trying to carry a box nearly twice the woman's size. Sakura found Camilo earlier and the boy was tied to a post by Casita, she had walked away into town as Camilo shouted at her to let him go. She stumbled upon Julieta.

Sakura chuckled, walking over to the woman. She grabbed it out of the woman's hands, making her gasp as Sakura smiled at her. "Where to?" Sakura asked as Julieta smiled in relief. "Casita." Julieta replied, giving her a grateful smile before walking down the paths with Sakura.

They ignored the screaming Camilo as they walked inside the over half built house. They walked to the kitchen and Sakura placed down the box with a grunt. "There." Sakura said, smiling as Julieta placed a hand on the girls arm. "Thank you, Sakura." Julieta said and Sakura waved her off. "I'm happy to help Señora Julieta" Sakura replied.

Julieta waved her off with a chuckle. "Just Julieta, dear. Señora Julieta makes me feel old." Julieta said and Sakura nodded. "Noted." She replied before waving the woman goodbye and walking away.

She walked around before deciding to put on her shirt, ignoring the lingering stares of some teenagers as she put on her shirt once more. She walked outside and stretched slightly.

Suddenly, she was tackled into the grass. She groaned and looked at the person and saw Isabela, angrily staring at her. "What was that earlier?!" Isabela said, narrowing her eyes. Sakura raised an eyebrow. "What's got you in a mood?" Sakura asked and Isabela huffed in annoyance.

Sakura deadpanned. Today was going to be a long day.

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