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It was a warm day in Los Angeles. There ran a little girl over the street. She laughed, when she looked back.

A older woman with blond hair that had gray strands in it, came out the same house the little girl came a second ago. When the, around 40 years old woman, stood in the sun you could see that she had a purple mustache and under her glasses there were purple glasses painted on her face.

The mad looking woman screamed ,,Ella, Dominic, Toretto-Ortiz. Come back right now."

Yeah you heard right Ella, Dominic, the daughter from Dominic Toretto and Letty Ortiz.

As the little five year old girl heard her full name she started giggling and run further over the street to the shop from her parents. She ran as fast as she could while her long brown hair blew back in the slightly wind.

~In the shop~

Mia was behind the counter and talked to Brian.

,,...Now it was crappy yesterday, it was crappy the day before and guess what? Hasn't changes.", Mia said to the question Brian asked a second ago. When Ella came in, she stopped Brian from answering and asked Ella ,,Hey little one.", but when Mia saw the little smirk on the girls face she asked ,,Elli? What did you do?"

,,Nothing", Elli quickly answered.

Mia looked at her and raised a brow ,,Ok".

Brian only watched the little scene. ,,I'll have the tuna", he said now turning to Mia.

,,No crust?", She asked.

,,No crust", Brian repeated.

,,If anyone asks, I'm not here", Elli quickly said, before she wanted to run in the garage. But before she could get out of the shop, Dom came out of the office, grabbed the little girl and lifted her up.

,,What are you doing here, huh?", Dom asks and looked around in the shop ,,And where did you left Layla?"
Layla is the older lady who usually babysits Ella when Dom and Letty don't have time.

,,I-I... Ähm, she's...", Elli tried to say but Layla stormed in the shop, searching for the girl.

,,Ella", she said and it was easy to tell she was pissed.

Dom looked at her and whispered to Ella ,,Oh what have you done again?!"

,,That was the last time I babysit her. Last time it was bad but- but... this time... I'm not going to do that again. Enough is enough. I never gonna babysit her again"


Ella was with Layla again because her parents were at a street race and Ella, Ella was very bored. She sat in the living room and was painting but she doesn't wanted to paint anymore. She looked around in the room to the TV and infront of the TV lay a little bit cort and the girl became an idea. So she grabbed the cort and run around Laylas house to find some things. Duct tape and aluminium foil that she got in the living room.

Layla was in the kitchen singing with the radio while cooking some dinner. So she didn't saw how the four year old girl grabbed the cake Layla made this morning and a chair.

She got the two things also in the living room >>lets go<< she thought while duct taping the cort to the bottom of the door frame. Then she got on the chair to duct tape the aluminium foil on the height, she thought Layla would have.

She brought back the chair and when she got back to the living room, she placed the cake on the floor infront of the door frame.

Now she only needed a distraction. So she took her colored pencils and started drawing on the floor.
,,Layla, look what I draw", she called into the kitchen.

,,Wait, I'm coming", Layla called back.
She smiled as she came around the corner but it quickly fainted.
,,What are you doing?", she asked shocked.

The girl only smiled at the woman. Layla walked to Ella but walked into the aluminium foil and stopped for a second. She ripped it from her face and glared at the girl who was laughing on the ground.

Now tried to walk further to Elli but tripped over the cort and fall right into the cake.

Ella jumped up and down laughing. But not for long.

~Flashback end~

,,I'm really sorry Layla, please give her another chance. She's not going to do it again, I promise", Dom said, after remembering what happend last time. He had to say for her young age she was really smart but also a troublemaker.

,,No Dom, you said that last time and the time before. I'm done", Layla responced ,,Goodbye Dom, Mia, Ella"

Layla walked out of the shop back home. Dom knew this time she wouldn't forgive them. Now they had to take Elli with them to the street races because they didn't had a babysitter anymore and good babysitter are hard to find.

Ella was still on Dom's arm so she hide in his neck. Oh well she tried it.

,,Ella?", Dom said, slightly mad but also a bit amused ,,Why?".

He sat her down on a bar stool next to Brian who watched the two of them with a little smile. Elli looked away to avoid her fathers gaze.

,,Look at me and tell me why.", He said again.

She looked at her hands but mumbled ,,There was this marker... And- and... she was asleep"

,,That isn't an excuse. You can't just draw on someones face", Dom said sternly.

,,But Mum and I did it on uncle Vince last time he slept", she argued.

Dom sight. >>She's just like her mother<< he thought. ,,Yeah but he is family, you can do it with family sometimes but not with strangers, ok?"

,,Ok, Sorry daddy", she said and hugged Dom.

,,Ok, but until we go home, you have stool arrest."

She pulled away from him and looked at him in disbelief.

,,No discussion", Dom said and made his track to the office.

,,What if I have to use the bathroom?", she asked disbeliefing.

,,No discussion", he only repeated. ,,Watch her Mia" he said before he was back in the office with a drink.

,,Got it", Mia said her gaze not leaving Brain.


So thats it the first chapter. I hope it was ok. I had to laught a much. The picture above is how I imagine Ella/Elli. Have a great day =)

~C                                         Words 1078

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