《24》Te amo <3

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Ella woke up before the sun got up. She tried to go to sleep again but she couldn't, so she got up and looked into Mias room. She wasn't there. The girl walked down into the living room and there she laid. Mia was still in her clothes, Elli got a blanket for her aunt and layed it over her. Then she got into the kitchen an made herself something to eat. The girl didn't wanted to go to school but she had to. She promised it her mother.

After she finished her food for school and ate some breakfast, Ella got on her roof and wrote her mother.


Good Morning mom,
Like I promised I go to school
Te amo <3

~Love you~

The time slowly went by when while thinking about her life and her mother. Elli was scared that somethink happend to her mother, but she knew she have to trust her, that she will come back to her.

She felt the sun on her face when she knew it, it was time to go to school, she took a deep breath before getting up, taking her schoolbag and walking to school. She let her aunt sleep because she knew Mia came home late. Mia worked hart the last time and was really exhausted.

Ella walked for some minutes until she was by her school. She felt the stares on her while she walked down the hall. Ella looked at the ground not wanting to get any attention on her, but she pretty much failed. Elli wasn't in school for two month now. The stares made her feel really scared but she tried to look like she didn't cared while she walked to her class. History. She didn't said much but tried to do the work the teacher gave them.

Next was math. She wasn't good at math , but she did her best. When it was break she got on a little stone wall and got out her food.

,,Ey Cindarella, How is your Dad?", Jamie called and laughed with her friends.

,,Did your mom left you too?", Tina called too.

Ella said nothing and just ate her stuff. She promised her mom to stay out of trouble so she will do that.

After break came science and english. She was so happy when school endet. And because she didn't knew what to do at home, she walked to the beach. But before that she wrote her mother again.


Hola mamá,
are you at home?
I was in school and
I ignored the girls to stay
out of trouble, like I promised.
I go to the beach now.
I miss you and Love you <3

After writing that she got to the beach and layed down on her favorite spot. Her mom didn't responced yet. >>She maybe just can't text right now<< she thought. She got her pancils and sketch book out to draw again.

~With Mia~

She was sleeping until someone the door bell rang. She opened her eyes to that and saw that she fell asleep on the couch and someone layed a blanket over her. Mia got up and forgot that someone rang, so she got in the bathroom to make herself ready. After some minutes the door rang again so she got to the door and opened it. Two police officers stood on the porch and infront of the house stood four police cars. The moment she saw the sun, she realised that she slept half of the day.

,,Miss Toretto?", One of the two officers asked.

,,What do you want again?", Mia asked and rubbed her eyes.

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