《4》Street race part 2

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Before Brian got to the car as Ella ran up to him. ,,Brian", Elli called him.

,,Hey girly, what's up?", Brian asked and got on his knees to face the girl.

,,Don't make yourself some hopes", She said as he raised a brow.

,,Why not?"

,,Because your to slow, everybody is to slow for my dad."

,,Elli come on", Letty called for the girl.

,,But good luck anyways",the girl said before running to her mother and grabbing her hand.

Brian looked after the girl. He's not going to lose. He will win, he knew it.
The four cars drove to the start line. Everyone else got in the cars and started to close the streets for the race.

Somewere in at the closed street. ,,What the hell going on around here?", a pizza guy asked one of the drivers.

,,Streets closed pizza boy, go find another way home", one driver leaned out of the window to answer him.

,,Goddamn street racers", he only said, got back in the car to drove home.

Everyone else were at the start line. Jesse cheered to the boys in the cars  while Vince walked beside Brians car and was very pissed. Ella stood on the side with Letty and Mia. The little one cheered and jumped slightly up and down. Letty had to smile of the excitement from her daughter. All cars came to stop, but Brian drove to far and quickly got back behind the line. Brian looked to the side and saw every driver by his right through the windows. Dom pressed a button in his car. Then loud music came. 

Leon walked over to the excited little girl and gave her 25 dollers. ,,Just don't say it"

,,You're good. For now"

A woman came to Edwards car window. ,,Good one", she said grabbing his and and placed it on her boob. ,,This is yours whether you win or lose. But if you win, you get her too", she nodded to the girl on the other side of the car. She winked at him.

,,You gonna win", Brian said to himself ,,I'm gonna win". He turned to the side to open the gas and his Laptop.

Dom also opened his gas. 

,,I got a 187 in Glendio, cops are all over man. We're good to roll, I repeat good to roll, let's race", a man said through the walkie talkie.

The man on the other side of the walkie talkie lifted his arms to the cars. Everyone was exited when he screamed ,,Go", and let his arms fall. The cars speeded away. Dom at the first place.

,,Go daddy", Elli said still jumping up and down.

The start from Brian was like shit. He was last in the round. ,,Damn that guy is fast", the guy on in the second car said. Brian was still on the last place, so he hit his nitrous und speeded forward to Dom. ,,Noo Monica", Edward screamed.
Brian was still behind Dom so he wanted to hit his second nitrous.

The laptop said ,,Warning" but Brian only screamed ,,Shut up", closed the laptop and hit his second nitrous. Because of the speed, the floor broke away from the passenger side. Brian speeded before Dom and looked happy. But Dom hit his nitrous and speeded over the finish line, away from Brian. Quickly the smile from Brians face fainted and he started losing the control of his car. The car spun and came to a stop. He was out of breath and just stood there for a second in disbelief.

The drivers arrived by the crowd. Dom of course first. He got out of the car and got greeted by the people. Hector came laughing and gave Dom his money. Jesse leaded Dom away from the crowd to Mia, Letty, Vince and Ella. Letty and Vince leaned there foreheads together while Dom gave Mia the money. When Vince pulled away, Dom grabbed Letty and lifted her up. She smiled as he said ,,You're my trophy". A second later he put her down, turned to his daughter and lifted her also up. ,,You too of course", he kissed her head, turned to Letty and kissed her lips.

Brian joined the scene.

,,Ey, Ey Monica", Edward said and grabbed Monicas arm ,,What's up baby"

She pulled her arm away and said ,,What's your problem? You didn't win". An owwww came from the crowd around them, as Monica left.

,,Fuck you", he called after her.

Brian got smiling out of his car. Dom and the team got over to him. ,,Is that fun?", Jesse asked and popped the hood, as smoke came out of it.

,,What are you smiling about?", Dom asks him with Ella still on his arm.

,,Dude, I almost had you", Brian said pointing at Dom. The people started laughing.

,,You almost had me? You never had me.", Dom responced smiling.

,,You never had your car", Ella said.

,,Owwww rostet from a kid", the crowd shouted.

,,Granny shifting, not double clutching like you should. You're lucky that hundred shot of nos didn't blow the welds on the intake", Dom said as he put Elli on the ground and walked to the back of the car. ,,Almost had me?", he asked the people. ,,Now me and the mad scientist got to rip apart the block and replace the piston rings you fry", he walked back around the car to close the hood.

Mia looked at the scene smiling like everyone else. Ella walked to Letty and watched also laughing.

,,Elli, what does every real racer say?", he asked the girl.

,,It don't matter if you win by an inch or an mile, a win is a win.", she said excited.

,,See even a five year old know that", Dom said as everyone laught again.

,,Oh shit we got cops, cops cops cops", the guy scremed through the walkie talkie.

Everyone jumped up and got in the cars. Ella just stood in the crowd and looked around because she didn't saw her family. ,,Mommy?", she screamed through the crowed as she got lifted up. She kicked because she didn't saw who it was.

,,Hey it's me", Letty said as she run to her car, got Elli in and drove away.


Dom heard Ella screaming ,,Mommy?". He saw Letty searching for her and then she saw him. He pointed to the little girl, as Letty ran to her lifted her up and got in the car with her. After they got in the car, he got in his own car and drove away to a garage. Were he parked his car and walked out.


So chapter four and by the way the picture above is Ellis outfit she wore this whole chapter

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So chapter four and by the way the picture above is Ellis outfit she wore this whole chapter.
So have a great day =)

~C                                           Words 1131

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