《18》A Birthday

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Today was Lettys Birthday. So September the 7th and Ella spent nearly two month to plan all that. Ella was awake since 8 am. She wanted to make her mother some egg and toast for breakfast. Mia showed it her only for this day, so you can imagine a eight year old burning some eggs in the past days. When it was 10 am Ella was ready and brought her mother the food to the bed, it was once not burned.

Letty was a little shocked when she saw the food and heard that Ella did it all by herself. ,,So you eat now and than you make yourself ready, so we can leave at 12 am.", Ella said to her mother.

,,Elli what are you planing?", Letty only asked still shocked.

,,It's an suprise", Ella said and walked out of the room. The suprise was big and Elli was more excited than her mother. After Letty ate and got in the bathroom, it was 12 am and they got in the taxi that Ella got for today.

,,So before we go..", Ella got a scarf from the driver and tied it over Lettys eyes. She checked if Letty realy couldn't, before saying to the driver ,,We are good, you can go.". They drove for a while and Letty was slowly getting impatient. >>What is she planing?<< Is all she could ask herself over and over again. The city of Los Angeles was getting away and they were in the desert now. The desert were race wars was always. The last years they had to cancel the event because now that Dom wasn't there anymore, the people who donated that wont do it anymore.

,,So here we are", Ella said as the taxi came too stop and she led Letty out of the car. ,,You can take the scarf of now".

Letty did as she said and blinked some seconds because of the sun, but when her eyes came used to the sun, she saw what her birthday present was.
,,Happy Birthday", screamed a many people. They were arounded from cars and soo much people were there. Friends and strangers.

Letty looked at Elli with pure shock in her face. ,,You missed race wars so much that last years so I thought, I have to bring it back." Lettys eyes lighted up and her lips formed to an big smile. ,,Everybody who missed race wars as much as you, helped organize that."

,,Oh Elli you are so sweet", Letty got to Ella and lifted her up in her arms. She kissed the little girl on the cheek. Everybody was by the start lines again, because now that Letty and Ella were there the party could begin.

Mia got the day free and got Lettys car to the race. Han was also there from the Dominican Republic. Ella was so happy that everythink go well and Letty was also very happy to race again.

The family first ate some of the chocolate cake Mia brought, before Letty got in the car and drove to a start line. On the start line already stood a older woman in an old car. The woman had brown hair and an big t-shirt with the lettering rock'n roll. The woman threw a cigarette out of the window. She had yellow teeth and looked like she was also high.

Letty lifted 300 doller and asked ,,You have the money?"

The woman also lifted up some hundred dollers. Letty nodded to that, packed the money away and made her self ready to race.

The man before them lifted his arms and as they fell Letty speeded of. The air from the open windows came in her face. The feeling came back. The feeling she had all those years ago. She didn't race much since Dom wasn't there and she had to look after Ella alone. Of course Mia was there too but she had a job and she couldn't be watching Ella all the time. So Elli had to be alone at home often.

But this feeling of being free, was the thing she had missed. The seconds she had nothing to worry about.

Of course Letty won and got the money from the woman. Elli ran up to her mother and hugged her tightly, happy that her mother had fun.

Some hours later, after many races and fun, Letty told Elli she would show her how to drive. Yes she is only eight, but Letty thought >> It's better when I show her, than that she learn it by herself and end up in the hospital, like my<<
So they got a little away from the streets and Elli sat behind the driver wheel.

She had grown enough to reach the padals. They sat in the car for some hours until Elli could drive a bit. She did good and learned fast. That was because she always watched when the family drove.

Until it was evening, the family had many fun and drove a many races. By the time it was getting dark they made a campfire.

,,And what du you think of your Birthday present?", Ella, who leaned on her mother, asked.

,,It was the best present you could give me", Letty said to her daughter and kissed her head.

,,But I have another present", Ella got a little bracelet. There were little letters on it. E+L for Ella plus Letty.

,,Oh Elli, gracias", Letty was so Happy.
~Thank you~
,,Te quiero mi hija"
~I love you my daughter~

,,también te amo mamá", Ella said and cuddled herself in her mothers arms.
~I Love you too mama"

They laughed much the day and Elli, Elli was happy that her mother liked the presents. In the end Elli slept in the lap of her mother, with happy dreams of the day.


I finished the chapter yaaay. It feels like forever that I wrote this chapter XD But I hope you like it. Oh and I hope the spanish sentences were right. I learn spanish about a year now, but I can't really speak it XD

Have a great day =)

~C Words 1027

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