Clash of titans

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V R and M got up off the ground and were shocked at there own bodies

V:What the hell happened we were separated

M:I knew this was going to happen

R:God damnit y/n used to much power

The three then looked over to see y/ns lifeless body

The three then look down at there appearances

V appearance:

M appearance:

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M appearance:

R appearance:

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R appearance:

V:We have our own bodies

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V:We have our own bodies

M:It looks like it


M:Why do I have armor and this black mist

V:It may be your requiem devil fruit


V picked up a rock and threw it at M

As soon the rock hit the mist the rock dissipated within the span of a second

V:And once we're out of this you can change it


V:Yeah just concentrate

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