Chapter 28: Breath of Air

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Ryan Tempester POV

It had been 2 days since we left the Sly Tribe, with Lukas Sly tagging along with us yet again. He had gotten back into his usual and old personality, and yet again picked fights with Jake as he used to.

We stopped by a little gathering area inside the forest, Lukas made sure to erect earth walls around the campsite as Jake began to make the fire. The two of them were in better moods than before, they treasured each other very well and couldn't be separated even if someone were to try and do so.

Sam and Ryder were sitting by the campfire, making sure that everything was fine. I, meanwhile, was standing beside a tree trunk taking time to think about things.

We were done with getting Lukas and helping Jake, but I had this lingering thought that we had more to do. If what we were doing was trying to save people, then why aren't we doing anything?

It was rather simple really, our enemy was already organized and gathered, while the current state of Oskax was all but shattered. The King should unify the country in a time like this. But words of revolts happening all over the country continue to spread. And it seems to me like the current King isn't doing his job.

This doesn't feel right.

Alex Fulcrum should've been next in line for the throne, and since he was raised by King Fulcrum, then it should mean that he would inherit his will. So why is everything so warped and distorted now?

Too many thoughts plagued my mind, but I shouldn't dwell on this. After all, I can't control those things. All I could do is change what can be changed.

Sam nudged me to join them in the campfire, as now we had finally reunited as a group, well adding in Ryder of course. He wasn't really a part of our group but just for the goodness of our hearts, we decided to let him in.

Jake had managed to procure some meat for us to eat. Apparently he had been looking around and found some animals that were being mauled by an Energy Beast. He happily decided to dedicate the remains by filling us up with it.

It is rather morbid, but what else could I do? I didn't want to keep eating the last remaining bread that we had saved for later on.

Anyway, now was a time to relax, a time for all of us to finally catch up on what has been going on.

"So Jake, I've been meaning to ask," Lukas began as to eat his piece of meat, "What's with the metal arm?"

Jake immediately grinned, standing up tall like he was showing off, and then showed off his metal arm he had gotten from a few days ago. "You see, I have acquired something that many humans will never land their hands on. It's so ancient you wouldn't believe it at-"

"So basically it's some random scrap metal you found hidden in a cave."

"It is NOT!" Jake immediately flared up.

"Here we go again." Sam sighed, clasping her face with her hand to save her from all the embarrassment.

"I swear, even after a month or two apart, they still bicker." Ryder commented.

"Well, if we didn't have them, then we wouldn't have all this entertainment now would we?" I exclaimed.

Sam then looked at me and Ryder to the side. "You two act as much as they do, you know that right?"

Ryder felt personally affected. "Well at least me and Ryan manage to contain ourselves, only letting loose when it's deemed necessary."

Lies. I could recount all the times Ryder randomly picked a fight with me in the streets. He would come in, fists blazing, and start a fight with me, which would lead to the two of us going all out until someone broke us up. Usually it was the adults who did it, but even they had a tough time controlling us both.

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