Chapter 132: Closing

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Ryan Tempester

I found myself completely at peace as I found myself right in front of the court hall, where Alex Fulcrum and the rest of his temporary jury council were passing down the sentences for all the members of the Dark Alliance that remained. I was already tired from the countless debriefings, but it had been 2 days since the war came to an end.

Kallavan was completely reduced to crystal shards following his outburst. As for the other two Dark Shields, Silver and Gray, they had managed to survive the battle but in the end, their sentences were surprisingly light in the end. Due to Samirah and Ryder's insistence, they were given an imprisonment sentence but only for about 20 years give or take, and they wouldn't be restrained heavily to keep their abilities in check, as they had truthfully stated they wouldn't act out of line, resigning themselves to their current state.

Cloak had gone missing following the battle, leaving everyone wondering where the hell he went. And as for Knight, Alex Fulcrum knows his whereabouts, as he kept his status a very close secret.

I remembered watching as Xander was taken away from where I knelt down and looked him dead in the eye. After that all I could remember was just a blur.

The battle had taken so much energy for me that I remembered collapsing on the ground. Even with the new power I obtained, whatever it was, I still had my stamina completely drained.

When I woke up, I found myself back in the capital where I was treated for whatever injuries I had, which weren't even that bad.

Whatever that power I fielded, it completely prevented my body from kicking the bucket. It was the second time my body was broken beyond repair when all of a sudden they healed.

Holding my shirt over my chest, I remembered the very feeling of Xander's sword thrusting through it and puncturing my heart. I still faintly remembered the moment I saw that woman's figure standing in what I remembered as just a mere dream, a figment of my own imagination.

But still... I felt as if she was familiar to me, but I discarded the thought because I don't remember meeting such a person in all my years of living.

Either way dwelling on that wasn't something for the me of today, I was more concerned about was the trial concerning my aunt, Yozora. Despite all that she did in defecting from the organization altogether, she was still responsible for the deaths of so many soldiers and also was one of the leading forces for the subjugation of the Northwest Region.

I hadn't seen my mom the entire day so I suppose she was off pondering about all this. But it wasn't that big of a concern.

"What are you doing just dawdling there?"

As I stood at the door, I heard Ryder walking up to me.

He was dressed in a black coat with green highlights streaming along the sleeves. I was wearing a black coat with yellow highlights instead.

"Well... I'm just waiting I guess..."

Ryder nodded. "I see, it's about Yozora isn't it?"

"Mmhmm." I mumbled.

"Well you shouldn't worry, besides she was insistent to turn herself in so it only felt fair."

"Well I know that but..."

I didn't want any more of my family to be separated. I know for my mom, Yozora was someone she regretted abandoning in his life, she didn't want to lose her again. I understood that even though I didn't feel like admitting it in the first place.

And just from my own thoughts, I heard my mom walk down the nearby steps and to where me and Ryder were standing.

She was dressed very formally, unlike before. I guess she managed to break away from her work at her desk. A black vested jacket that was buttoned up. She had her blonde hair tied in a low ponytail and this time her eyes were back to their normal red color.

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