Chapter 36: Strike at Noon

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Jake Blazes POV

This whole plan was well thought out and all, but like, it was kind of confusing to me. We were supposed to draw out the Royal Army somehow? 

But the problem was that no one here had a single clue as to how we do that. I mean it would be stupid to just walk up to a random Royal soldier and just kick their ass, right?

Well... that might've happened. 

We were walking around in an empty District that had been deserted of people, District 7, and there were Royal soldiers just walking around. So I thought it was a good idea to just hit them in the head, maybe get them to send more soldiers. 

And it got worse, which in turn got me a punch on the head my Lukas, with a fist as hard as stone. 

"You absolute idiot!"

Lukas' yelling still rang in the back of my ear, and wouldn't stop. Ryder didn't say a word, and was just watching us bicker while sitting on the ledge to a nearby house. 

"I didn't sign up for this..."

"Well what did you want?! We need to draw them out somehow, so why not cause trouble?!"

"Jake! They're gonna think we're a bunch of delinquents or something causing stupid trouble for no reason!!" Lukas yelled. 

"So what?! We're literally committing treason against the head of the nation! We're gonna look evil no matter what!"


Rei's yelling reached the two of us which caused her to slap both me and Lukas in the face. 

"What just happened, has happened. So deal with it and let's move on."

"Besides, I can sense a clamoring of multiple energy signatures heading our way so we should prepare for a fight, and a pretty big one at that." Ryota commanded. 

It was obvious that we had to fight, thanks to my idiocy. 

"Well let's just get this over with. After all, we asked for it."

I checked my right arm to make sure it was not stiff and could be moved. Thankfully when I channeled energy into it, the arm glowed orange. It meant my flames could be conjured through it. 

"Here they come!"

Without warning, soldiers began to pour out from in front of us. All of them charged to us without even flinching. 

That is to be expected, Royal Army soldiers are much more vigilant and focused than the ones elsewhere. It made the Dark Alliance soldiers feel like nothing but pushovers. 

Lukas acted fast and created a wall to block their line of sight. His power had become much more stronger than last time, to the point he's able to hold it up for much longer. 

"Ryder, now would be a good time!"

From behind him, Ryder's eyes began to glow. His arms pulsated with a green glow which channeled into his arms. He punched the Earth wall and it split into a dozen fragments, and as they fell on the Royal soldiers, most of them were knocked out but some stragglers kept coming. 

I jumped in. Using my right arm as a shield, I managed to parry their blades from cutting me. I throttled my flames so that it would only give them low degree burns but not enough that it would kill them. 

I knew how to control the temperature of my flames after getting my right arm, for some reason it helped tone down how intense the heat could be and it helped because my objective here was not to kill them, but to just render the soldiers incapable of fighting. 

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