Calm before the storm

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-signs of a toxic relationship (no idea if this is something i should warn but this is actually a pretty chill chapter 🤷‍♀️)


I've been going out with Izuku for a few years now, and he's a bit...possessive. He doesn't exactly like me having friends, and when I do he gets a bit hostile towards them. Nobody used to take him seriously because he was quirkless but he put a girl in the hospital when she asked me out once. She was too embarrassed that she was hurt by him to do or say anything about it but everyone stayed out of his way after that. I didn't really mind not having anyone else because I've never needed anyone else before, izuku has always been there after all. But even so, I still wanted to be a hero. So now I have to talk to him about going to myself...

His arms wrapped around me gently and he kissed the top of my head, I relaxed back into his hold and smiled.

Bakugou-hey izuku, thanks for meeting me here

Deku-of course kacchan, what did you want to talk to me about?


I felt his tense around me, i put my hand on his arm in a comforting manor and he seemed to relax. He let go and sat down next to me on the bench, holding my hand. I looked at him the looked away, i felt ashamed for some reason to tell him this

Deku-what's wrong...

Bakugou-...i want to go to UA, and train to become a hero want to leave me?


I look at him, turning my body more to face him, the park was mostly empty and it was starting to get dark, we'd usually be watching a film or something about now

Bakugou-i love you and i don't want to leave you, but i want to be a hero...



Deku-yeah, as long as you call me every day, and I want to see you more than once a week, ok? I don't want anybody else trying to take you

Bakugou-yeah ok, thank you

Deku-mhm, i'll be going to the same school i was talking about so it isn't far

I leaned into him and hugged him, he hugged back and we sat there for a while before going back to our own places.

A few months later i got into ua, even though izuku didn't like me having friends i know more or less how to socialise with others. My classmates all have extremely powerful quirks so i don't think izuku could hurt any of these people if he tries. A few people in the class seemed to have stuck me almost instantly. It should be alright as long as izuku doesn't find out, and they're really nice.

Kirishima-hey bakugou, wanna hang out with us this weekend?

Kirishima, he's really nice and has a strong quirk, he's also good to train with

Mina-yeah you should come with us bakubabe, we're going to watch a movie and a bunch of stuff

And Mina, she's a good dancer and has a great personality. She can make a highly corrosive acid

Bakugou-sorry but i'm busy, maybe another time?

Kirishima-sure that's fine man, enjoy your weekend

Denki-ditching us again hm? I bet he's got a girlfriend~

Thats kaminari, he's a bit of an idiot at times but can be really smart, his quirk lets him create and manipulate electricity and it'll become really powerful in the future

I blush and look away, collecting my things quicker and standing

Mina-omg he's right!

Bakugou-t-that is none of your business

Kirishima-he's right guys, though we'd like to meet her sometime man

Bakugou-...y-yeah maybe

Kirishima-lets get going then, we're going to be late to homeroom

Denki-oh shoot, Aizawa will kill me if i'm late again!

He bolts out of the class and we all follow

I meet up with izuku after school and we hung out he asked me how my day was and we had a long conversation but i left out my friends, i knew it wouldn't go well with him if i mentioned them.


This was requested by TommyErthal. Look! I finally uploaded the first chapter! 🤣

But yeah, thank you for the suggestion, i'm gonna have fun writing this and i hope you enjoy reading it. I have a very slow brain and it takes me a while to come up with an ending i'm happy with but i've got it now and i'll start working on the next chapters when i can. Bare it in mind tho that i am about to start my GCSE's and i am under quite a bit of stress so they may not follow any sort of uploading schedule  😅.

( ゚д゚)つ Byeヾ(•ω•')o

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