A New Nightmare

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-death          -mentions of blood/stabbing


I opened my eyes to see izuku hovering over the top of me fully dressed.

Bakugou-izuku? W-what are you doing?

Deku-do you trust me kacchan?

Bakugou-yes i do

He smiled and got off of me. I sat up and saw a set of clothes laid out for me along with a duffle bag. Izuku picked up a second one and i looked at him confused.

Bakugou-w-what's going on?

Deku-today won't be the last day that hero shows up here, and next time it will be with a whole load of other heroes. So we're leaving

Bakugou-t-to go where?

Deku-you said you trusted me, so don't worry. I'll take care of you. I just need you to come with me


I got up and got changed, he passed me a mask to put on, and in the middle of the night we left through my back door. We walked for a while until we came across a street I recognised, but wasn't sure where from. He led me around the back of one of the houses and i got a bit worried.

Bakugou-i-izuku, why a-are-

He covered my mouth and we went behind a row of bushes. Just as we did the back door opened and an old classmate of ours stepped out holding a cigarette. It was one of the ones that used to bully izuku, and he hated him. I looked to him and he was smirking, staring at him. My fear of him started to come back a bit and i tried to ignore it, but it was hard when i could already imagine the things he was about to do. Once our old classmate had finished he turned back around and went back inside, and that was when Izuku bolted out the bushes. He ran over to him, covered his mouth and pulled out a knife i didn't know he had, pressing it against his neck. He motioned for me to follow him and I hesitantly did so. The classmate was dragged back inside and he looked terrified, his eyes shaking and he screamed, but it was muffled. Izuku looked at me and whispered.

Deku-lock the door

I turned and locked it, looking back after.

Deku-in your bag, there's some duct tape and zip ties. Tape his mouth and tie him up for me~

Again i was hesitant, i didn't want to actively help him kill people. But i did it anyway, getting the things out. I ripped open the tape and took a piece off.


Deku-good job, now (insert classmates name here), i'm going to remove my hand from your mouth, and if i hear a sound from you i'll slit your throat. Blink in you understand

I watched him blink repetitively and nodded to izuku. He slowly uncovered his mouth and he stayed quiet. I quickly put the tape over his mouth and noticed he was crying. I hadn't seen it before cause of how dark it is. I'm not surprised he's scared. I then put the zip ties around his ankles and his wrists. And izuku left for a moment. I looked at him, laid on the floor of his own kitchen bound and felt immensely guilty.

Izuku came back down and walked over to him, pushing him onto his back with his foot.

Deku-when i take that tape off of your mouth i don't want a peep out of you until i ask you a question, blink if you understand.

He did so and izuku bent down and took the tape off of his mouth, holding the knife towards him. He took a deep breath but kept quiet otherwise, that was the smartest decision i've ever seen him make.

Deku-so you can listen. That's a shame, i was looking forward to stabbing you~


Deku-now, where are your parents?

Classmate-t-they're on holiday...

Deku-and how long are they going to be gone for?

Classmate-please d-don't hurt me-

Izuku kicked him in the side and he yelled out in pain, i flinched back and looked away when he put the knife closer to his face.

Deku-now that wasn't what i asked you, was it? Try it again

Classmate-a-a few more days

Deku-better. Now, why don't you go find somewhere to sleep kacchan whilst i have some fun~

Classmate-wait, are you deku-!?

I heard him gasp in pain and i knew izuku had stabbed him so i quickly took my leave, going into a different room. I found what seemed to be a guest bedroom and sat down, putting the bag on the floor. I tried to lay down and sleep but i couldn't bring myself to do so in some random persons house, knowing someone was currently being murdered downstairs. After a few minutes i heard footsteps approaching and then izuku walked in. He smiled at me kindly and walked over kissing me.



Bakugou-...w-why did we come here?

Deku-i was angry, and i needed to resolve some past aggression


He laid down with me and held me in his arms. He fell asleep pretty quickly afterwards, clearly exhausted, but i couldn't manage it. I got out of his hold and sat up, but something possessed me to go see what exactly he'd done. I got up and left the room, slowly making my way into the kitchen. When i saw the pool of blood flowing out from behind the cabinet and stopped.

Bakugou-why the fuck am i doing this? H-he's going to be so messed up...

I took a second, focusing on my breathing before going around the corner. His bloody body laid there unmoving. He'd been stabbed so many times all over his stomach, arms and legs. It looked brutal, no wonder he was so tired. I went to leave but then i remembered his parents, who were going to come home and find their son like this. I couldn't bare the thought, and looked for a marker so i could leave a message, explaining a few things. I eventually found one and wrote on a countertop saying how much of a dick he was to izuku, and that i was sorry i couldn't stop him. In reality i was kind of glad he'd done it. Because if he hurt other's then he didn't hurt me, and i could keep my izuku. I went back and laid down again once i'd finished, and i managed to fall asleep. We spent the next day in the house and left that night again. As we went out the back door we heard a car pull up and quickly ran. Even with how far we got i could still hear the woman's scream...


I'm going to try uploading a new chapter every Sunday so keep a look out! I hope you enjoyed the start of this wonderful horrifying journey bakugou is about to go on and come back to read the next chapter, thanks for reading!

( ゚д゚)つ Byeヾ(•ω•')o

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